Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy Holidays and Happy 2008!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Busy as Always!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Let is snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
Here are some things that our guy has been up to lately. He will crawl to door and wave byebye when people leave. He has started to tear bread into pieces just like mom does if I give him a while slice. He's getting so big! His favorite new game is 'where's mama's bellybutton?' He lifts up my shirt and pokes me in the bellybutton. It's not the best game to play in public of course, but it is really cute. I am also starting to realize how much he really understands when he gets a cup out of his drawer, hands it to me, and makes the sign for milk. I'm amazed. Our only frustration has been his constant rashes. I just counted it up and we have had 13 visits to the doctor in the 13 weeks that we have been home. Ugh. But, all in all, things are good and our little sweetie is happy, healthy, and most definitely adored. Happy holidays! -m
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Lot to be Thankful For
BTW- people keep asking what I want for Christmas, and all I can say is "a girl". But in the meantime, here are the two most wonderful boys in my world wishing for you all to have a great week :-)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Future Adopters Post
Here is a post for those of you reading our blog that might be adopting- especially those who are going to Astana to find your child. I hope it helps you feel a little more prepared! If there is anything that I left out, let me know by commenting and I will edit this post to include the info.
Groceries- You can basically get anything you want at one of the grocery stores in Astana. While there, we found PeanutButter, Peanut butter crackers, all kind of cheeses, tortilla chips and salsa, pringles, good chocolate, mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, and pretty much everything else we wanted. And of course there are restaurants and takeout from the bakery too. Yum! Next time we'll save the room in our suitcases and just bring some spices or something instead of boxes of food and snacks. You can also get american cosmetics and shampoo like Pantene and Olay and stuff so don't bother bringing your own.
Cost of things- Restaurant cost was about the same as in the US. Baby toys are really really really expensive (like $100!)- bring them instead of buy them there. I would suggest bringing a pack of onesies and/or footies instead of buying them in Kaz. Also, you'll have cute clothes for those first photos of your baby. Just go to Target and buy a 5 pack or something- plan on some of them getting lost at the Baby House so buy cheap. Strollers are really expensive too ($70 for a cheapo foldup) so I will bring my own next time. And it was also nice to have a Bjorn (and Rinat loved it) but the stroller came in handy for our 8 hour layover at the Frankfurt airport. I couldn't find anywhere for Rinat to play or a quiet place for him to sleep but I could just throw a blanket over him in the stroller and he did alright.
Internet- We had highspeed installed at our apt and it was about $100 for a month. There are also tons of internet cafes around the city. Other people said their internet connection was not reliable and it only worked sometimes but they just had to make sure to take advantage of when it did work. They still managed to keep in touch with family.
Shopping- There are 'American' foods at the Ramstore (at the bottom of the big yellow building) but I really found more stuff at the Zhannur. They are also building a huge Ramstore that will be great but it's kind of off the beaten path so you may have to get your driver take you periodically. There are several shopping malls and they all have small shops so you will have to go to about a million to find what you are looking for. Mothercare is a baby store over by the cinema and they have really cute but expensive clothes (although the onsies and pjs are reasonable). Go there when you can't take it anymore at the Baby Mall.
BabyHouse- You will need some kind of bag to carry stuff to and from the BH. They also want you to have a blanket for the baby to play on, clothes for him/her to wear, fruit tea to give him (buy at any store), a bottle, a pacifier, warm stuff to take your baby outside (hat, socks, etc). A lot of this stuff will get lost so be prepared for that. You also might want to bring some washcloths for spitup and wipes to clean him/her up (I don't know how often they bathe them). Oh, and you can't buy washcloths in Kaz- I couldn't find them anyway- so bring them from home. They'll also come in handy for cleaning your apt and stuff. And as for what not to do at the BH- don't tell them how to take care of your baby. Remember that they have been taking care of your child and know him/her well. That's not to say that you shouldn't point out a runny nose or diaper rash, but then let them take care of it. When you take your child out, you can run the show- until then, defer to them.
Clothes to bring for you- Bring only enough so that you can wash it and then have something to wear for a day or two while the load you did dries. And only bring what you won't care about getting ruined- I somehow dyed an entire load purple (a black TShirt did it). And if you haven't seen those giant ziplocks, go find some. Put your clothes in those, close it most of the way, push out all the air, and then close it up. Your clothes/towels/whatever will take up a fourth of the space that way.
Nervous about meeting your child?- Everything will work out. The whole thing is weird and scary but also amazing. The one thing I would say is don't have a picture in your head of who your child will be (boy/girl, age, size, race, health). The child you get will never match that picture. Every single one of us said it took a little while to feel like this was our child after meeting him/her. It's completely normal. Also bonding is not immediate for the child. If you think of it, one month of visits equals only 2days of your child seeing you. It took a full month before Rinat saw us as more than playmates.
Stuff to do- We spent a lot of time reading, watching movies on the laptop, surfing the internet (and buying baby stuff online), and listening to our ipod. We also got together pretty often with the other families which was nice. We had potluck at someone's apt or we met at a restaurant. Or just went shopping together.
Getting around- Astana is really small and you'll be able to find your way around within days. Your driver should also be able to take you places. And there are cabs but you'll have to be able to communicate with them.
Phone- We downloaded Skype and it was fantastic and cheap. You will need highspeed internet and headphones/microphone. You can also rent a worldwide cell from your cellphone company.
Gifts- You will have to buy a ton of gifts. At the Baby House for the day you take your baby home, you need ones for 7 caretakers (they are in their 20's up to their 40's and not too expensive- we gave inexpensive jewelry), director of the baby house (something really nice for a woman in her late 50's- we went in with another couple and got her a purse), and your child's doctor (most of them are in their 30's and 40's). In court, you will ones for the judge (a very stern looking woman in her 50's- we got her a wallet, scarf, and bracelet- or it could be the man judge- I don't know anything about him except he's not nice), the prosecutor (a man in his 40's- wallet), court secretary (a cute girl around 30- scarf and bracelet), and the ministry of education representative who is there with you (ours was around 40- scarf and wallet). We also gave gifts to our coordinator (perfume), translator (purse), and driver (soccer ball and athletic bag for his sons). This part of things was really stressful for me because I didn't want to offend anyone by not getting the right thing. Or coordinator actually went through all of our gifts and figured out what to give to who which helped. We bought some of the gifts in the US and brought them with us and it made it a little easier but you will also have lots of time while you are there to shop. And I bought stuff for our driver, coordinator, translator, and BH director there so I would be sure to buy something they would like. But the gifts I brought with me were fine for those that I never got to know like the BH caretakers, and people at court.
After your get your little Sweetpea- First of all, you will have him/her/them for about 10 days before you get out of Kaz so bring what you'll need to take care of him in that time (I ran out of bottle DropIns and had to buy another bottle to use on the plane since they don't sell them in Kaz). There will be a lot of crying involved- both on your baby's part and proably you too will cry out of frustration. When in doubt, feed him or give him something to drink. Our guy ate way way more than we thought he would. The plane ride will be horrible so just expect it and tell yourself "It's only one day out of my life". And telling everyone around you that you just adopted seems to help too- people are really nice if you just admit you have no idea what you are doing. Same goes for when you get home. Have patience with both your little guy to get adjusted and with yourselves- you are new at this and you all have jetlag so it makes for a difficult transition. I kept having to remind myself that he would still love me even if I messed up and got frustrated or left him to scream while I calmed myself down. And most of all, know that this transtition time will one day be over and you will tell youself that it wasn't so bad. I haven't quite gotten there yet but I'm close. :-)
Groceries- You can basically get anything you want at one of the grocery stores in Astana. While there, we found PeanutButter, Peanut butter crackers, all kind of cheeses, tortilla chips and salsa, pringles, good chocolate, mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, and pretty much everything else we wanted. And of course there are restaurants and takeout from the bakery too. Yum! Next time we'll save the room in our suitcases and just bring some spices or something instead of boxes of food and snacks. You can also get american cosmetics and shampoo like Pantene and Olay and stuff so don't bother bringing your own.
Cost of things- Restaurant cost was about the same as in the US. Baby toys are really really really expensive (like $100!)- bring them instead of buy them there. I would suggest bringing a pack of onesies and/or footies instead of buying them in Kaz. Also, you'll have cute clothes for those first photos of your baby. Just go to Target and buy a 5 pack or something- plan on some of them getting lost at the Baby House so buy cheap. Strollers are really expensive too ($70 for a cheapo foldup) so I will bring my own next time. And it was also nice to have a Bjorn (and Rinat loved it) but the stroller came in handy for our 8 hour layover at the Frankfurt airport. I couldn't find anywhere for Rinat to play or a quiet place for him to sleep but I could just throw a blanket over him in the stroller and he did alright.
Internet- We had highspeed installed at our apt and it was about $100 for a month. There are also tons of internet cafes around the city. Other people said their internet connection was not reliable and it only worked sometimes but they just had to make sure to take advantage of when it did work. They still managed to keep in touch with family.
Shopping- There are 'American' foods at the Ramstore (at the bottom of the big yellow building) but I really found more stuff at the Zhannur. They are also building a huge Ramstore that will be great but it's kind of off the beaten path so you may have to get your driver take you periodically. There are several shopping malls and they all have small shops so you will have to go to about a million to find what you are looking for. Mothercare is a baby store over by the cinema and they have really cute but expensive clothes (although the onsies and pjs are reasonable). Go there when you can't take it anymore at the Baby Mall.
BabyHouse- You will need some kind of bag to carry stuff to and from the BH. They also want you to have a blanket for the baby to play on, clothes for him/her to wear, fruit tea to give him (buy at any store), a bottle, a pacifier, warm stuff to take your baby outside (hat, socks, etc). A lot of this stuff will get lost so be prepared for that. You also might want to bring some washcloths for spitup and wipes to clean him/her up (I don't know how often they bathe them). Oh, and you can't buy washcloths in Kaz- I couldn't find them anyway- so bring them from home. They'll also come in handy for cleaning your apt and stuff. And as for what not to do at the BH- don't tell them how to take care of your baby. Remember that they have been taking care of your child and know him/her well. That's not to say that you shouldn't point out a runny nose or diaper rash, but then let them take care of it. When you take your child out, you can run the show- until then, defer to them.
Clothes to bring for you- Bring only enough so that you can wash it and then have something to wear for a day or two while the load you did dries. And only bring what you won't care about getting ruined- I somehow dyed an entire load purple (a black TShirt did it). And if you haven't seen those giant ziplocks, go find some. Put your clothes in those, close it most of the way, push out all the air, and then close it up. Your clothes/towels/whatever will take up a fourth of the space that way.
Nervous about meeting your child?- Everything will work out. The whole thing is weird and scary but also amazing. The one thing I would say is don't have a picture in your head of who your child will be (boy/girl, age, size, race, health). The child you get will never match that picture. Every single one of us said it took a little while to feel like this was our child after meeting him/her. It's completely normal. Also bonding is not immediate for the child. If you think of it, one month of visits equals only 2days of your child seeing you. It took a full month before Rinat saw us as more than playmates.
Stuff to do- We spent a lot of time reading, watching movies on the laptop, surfing the internet (and buying baby stuff online), and listening to our ipod. We also got together pretty often with the other families which was nice. We had potluck at someone's apt or we met at a restaurant. Or just went shopping together.
Getting around- Astana is really small and you'll be able to find your way around within days. Your driver should also be able to take you places. And there are cabs but you'll have to be able to communicate with them.
Phone- We downloaded Skype and it was fantastic and cheap. You will need highspeed internet and headphones/microphone. You can also rent a worldwide cell from your cellphone company.
Gifts- You will have to buy a ton of gifts. At the Baby House for the day you take your baby home, you need ones for 7 caretakers (they are in their 20's up to their 40's and not too expensive- we gave inexpensive jewelry), director of the baby house (something really nice for a woman in her late 50's- we went in with another couple and got her a purse), and your child's doctor (most of them are in their 30's and 40's). In court, you will ones for the judge (a very stern looking woman in her 50's- we got her a wallet, scarf, and bracelet- or it could be the man judge- I don't know anything about him except he's not nice), the prosecutor (a man in his 40's- wallet), court secretary (a cute girl around 30- scarf and bracelet), and the ministry of education representative who is there with you (ours was around 40- scarf and wallet). We also gave gifts to our coordinator (perfume), translator (purse), and driver (soccer ball and athletic bag for his sons). This part of things was really stressful for me because I didn't want to offend anyone by not getting the right thing. Or coordinator actually went through all of our gifts and figured out what to give to who which helped. We bought some of the gifts in the US and brought them with us and it made it a little easier but you will also have lots of time while you are there to shop. And I bought stuff for our driver, coordinator, translator, and BH director there so I would be sure to buy something they would like. But the gifts I brought with me were fine for those that I never got to know like the BH caretakers, and people at court.
After your get your little Sweetpea- First of all, you will have him/her/them for about 10 days before you get out of Kaz so bring what you'll need to take care of him in that time (I ran out of bottle DropIns and had to buy another bottle to use on the plane since they don't sell them in Kaz). There will be a lot of crying involved- both on your baby's part and proably you too will cry out of frustration. When in doubt, feed him or give him something to drink. Our guy ate way way more than we thought he would. The plane ride will be horrible so just expect it and tell yourself "It's only one day out of my life". And telling everyone around you that you just adopted seems to help too- people are really nice if you just admit you have no idea what you are doing. Same goes for when you get home. Have patience with both your little guy to get adjusted and with yourselves- you are new at this and you all have jetlag so it makes for a difficult transition. I kept having to remind myself that he would still love me even if I messed up and got frustrated or left him to scream while I calmed myself down. And most of all, know that this transtition time will one day be over and you will tell youself that it wasn't so bad. I haven't quite gotten there yet but I'm close. :-)
Friday, November 2, 2007
Devil vs. Angel
Or a little angel?
Well, let's put it this way- nights he has slept through this week- 4 of 7, times he woke us up Halloween night- 5, times he falls over laughing every day at something silly I've done- countless. He's such a good audience! The things he thinks are the most funny lately are tickling him with my foot, having a crawling race with him to get a toy, and putting anything and everything on his head and pretending it's a hat. I just love that he thinks it's so funny that his secret little dimple in his right cheek makes an arrearance. And he has some new tricks that I am particularly proud of. First of all, he can now use this little semi-spoon utensil to scoop up his oatmeal and get it to his mouth- with my help of course, but still I am impressed. He also will drop his binky (pacifier) into his crib after his nap when I ask him to. And he has this 'more' sign down pat. Now, anytime I am eating or drinking anything that he thinks looks interesting, he gives me a very insistent MORE sign until I cave in- I have to reward him for not screaming, right? And he has been making all kinds of interesting sounds now too. For a while, he made a little kissing sound which was cute. Then he started making a clicking sound with his tongue which was nice because I always knew where he was since I could hear him clicking around the house. And now Peter has taught him how to do the American Indian war whoop thing- you know where you use your hand to make it sound like "WaWaWaWa"? Except Rinat does it with the back of his hand. Whatever, he thinks he's really cool. And Halloween was really nice. We went over to our friend Jen's house and all of the kids played. Rinat was an alligator by the way- isn't he adorable? Have a great weeekend! -m
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Our Little Pumpkin

Monday, October 15, 2007
Dr. Visits, Visitors, Giggles
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Lots of Vistors this Week

Friday, September 28, 2007
Busy Busy Busy!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Alive and Well
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Getting Settled In
Hey everyone! Today is a momentous day. Sweet Rinat slept an entire 8 hours last night which made Peter and I very very very happy. He still woke up at 4:00 but he is sleeping, thank goodness. And he definitely needs it because poor baby has a runny nose, hacking cough, and yesterday he even lost his voice. I think maybe he's sick, what do you think? A warm bath with Johnson&Johnson's Cold and Flu bath seemed to help a little bit or at least it distracted him from not feeling so great for a few minutes and maybe the humidifier helped too. But we are actually headed to the doctor for our first visit this afternoon so I figure he can give him the once over and make sure there's nothing to worry about. Today is also fantastic because it's the first time that I have put Rinat down for a nap and there has been absolutely no screaming whatsoever. And it only took 4 minutes- I checked my watch. And he is slowly learning that just because we walk out of the room for a few seconds doesn't mean that we are gone forever and he doesn't need to start crying every single time. I yell to him "I'm still here! I'm still here!" over and over and it seems to help. But all of us are definitely getting a bit more comfortable with our new lives and it gets easier and more wonderful every day. He does still scream his head off but the second that smile comes out, it makes me forget that he's not perfect. Because right then he is. Oh and I am going to figure out how to use the fancy new camera that our sweet family got us so maybe I'll have some cute photos on the next post. Hopefully he'll smile for the camera and you can see that our perfect little sweetie is happy in his new home. Love to all. -m
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
So Far

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Soooo Happy!
Hi Everyone! I'll write more later but I didn't want to leave anyone hanging so I'll do a super short post. We're home and I could not be any more happy than I am now. The trip was long but we got here safe and sound with all of our luggage and and brought a new citizen to the States. Our bed was so incredibly comfy and Rinat loves his crib almost as much as I love the fact that we are not sleeping in the same room as him any more. He is doing pretty well considering that day is night and night is day for him right now. And us too. Alright Screamfest 2007 has begun. He freaks out any time Peter or I leave the room. Gotta go before he has a conniption. -m
Friday, September 7, 2007
Still Coming
Hey all- Just wanted you to know that we are still on track to head home tonight and we'll see you in the states on Saturday. Rinat's health stuff checked out fine at the American clinic and we met with the embassy people today and they gave him the big thumbs up even though he was covered in barf and we both smelled horrendous. Oh well, goes with the territory right? Well, I may have a chance to update in Frankfurt. What else will we do there for 7 hours? See you stateside. And we're out... -Maren, Peter, and Stinkpot Rinat
Thursday, September 6, 2007
OK so this will be a quick one but I'll come back and edit it when I get a chance- I only have 4 minutes. We're in Almaty, Rinat did wonderfully on the plane, it is gorgeous here and we love it, we've been to the doctor to get the thumbs up for him to immigrate to the States and we'll get the results tonight and then go to the embassy tomorrow. Everything is fantastic and we are really enjoying our time here. Last night we met a really nice woman from Flushing, NY who also adopted and talked to her for a long time. Alright, I'm out- more later. -m
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Road Less Traveled

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Watch Out America- Here We Come!

Saturday, September 1, 2007
Jumping on the Bed
Hey Everyone! Our internet is doing much better today (although our power- and the water too- have gone out twice) so I thought I'd put up a video of our (mostly) happy little guy. Peter is jumping on the bed and tickling his belly in case you are wondering what he is laughing about. So our day today was good. We got up at 5:30 right on schedule, had some b'fast, and went for a walk before it got too hot. Then we hung out in the blazing hot apartment all day and went for another walk after it cooled down tonight. A pretty uneventful day. I'm sure it sounds boring to you but I can tell you that we were never bored- our guy won't let us sit still! We did have a first today though- we gave him his first bath ever. I kind of thought that he might be freaked out but he wasn't. He just basically attacked the water. Him sit and tentatively splash around? No way. Instead, he pretty much pushed me aside and tried his hardest to do a faceplant into the water where he then went insane and tried to beat at it with the stacking cups. He was flinging water all around the bathroom in his frenetic attack. He wasn't laughing or even smiling but I think that he was perplexed by it because he had his Concentrating Face on. He has seen water of course but they don't give them actual bath at the BH but just kind of run them under the faucet to clean them off. We tried to get a video but it didn't come out so well. We'll try again tomorrow when it's Peter's turn to get in with him. He is a totally insane. I hope you are all having a good weekend! -m
Friday, August 31, 2007
House of Shrieks

Hi all! So the honeymoon is over and it only took one day. I knew it was just a matter of time before it all kicked in for him. Today has been a combo of fantastically happy giggly times and really miserable eardrum-busting bad times. Most of the bad seem to center around us either leaving the room and leaving him behind, daring to put him down on the floor, sitting down while holding him, not shoveling food in fast enough, taking away the bottle before he has sucked it dry, not understanding that he was hungry again already even though I had just fed him an hour ago, and not realizing that an hour and a half is an adequate amount of playtime before napping again. It's all a learning process we are slowly but surely learning. I have decided, however, that the Bjorn is my new best friend (Thanks, Mer!). After 20 minutes of the previously mentioned earth-shattering screaming, I found that sticking him in there and walking around the apartment worked wonders. He still wouldn't let me sit down or even stand still- except for the three minutes when he was mesmerized by some monkeys on the TV- but anything is better than the shrieking. I am going to be hearing it in my sleep. But really he is just so sweet that I can't be mad at him. Frustrated, yes. Mad, no. And and I have found that he is fantastic when we go out for walks. We went out last evening to the amusement park across the river and walked around for an hour and he absolutely loved it. We watched the roller coaster and the twirly rides and had fun just wandering around watching people eat cotton candy and ice cream and the popcorn lady making popcorn and people playing games. It was really nice and I think we may have some people join us tonight if they can make it. Anyway, I know it sounds like our day was kind of awful but it really wasn't. I was expecting the transition to be much worse than it is- maybe just not so loud. Oh and we made reservations flight reservations today to both Almaty (Tuesday) and home to DC (Saturday). I can't believe that we will be leaving in week. Both of us are really ready to get home and be in our own space, but I will still be sad. I hate goodbyes in general (Peter makes fun of me because I always get all vaklempt when saying goodbye to Carson or whoever when they visit us in DC) but I think that this goodbye will be especially hard. Of course, we are planning on returning in a couple of years for Rinat's sister so I guess it will just be 'til next time rather goodbye. And while we're on that subject, I'm outta here. I have to take advantage of Peter taking over Rinat duty and get something to eat. Bye! -m
Our internet is not working so great again and so this post didn't get added earlier when I wrote it. So I added the above photo from tonight. Two of the other couples met up with us at the park and strolled around until Rinat started telling us it was time for bed. He fell asleep about 1 minute after this was taken. Bye again -m
Our internet is not working so great again and so this post didn't get added earlier when I wrote it. So I added the above photo from tonight. Two of the other couples met up with us at the park and strolled around until Rinat started telling us it was time for bed. He fell asleep about 1 minute after this was taken. Bye again -m
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Naptime, Shmaptime
Hey everyone! We don't need no stinkin' naptime! That's what Rinat says anyway. Our sweet angel went to bed last night at 8:00 like normal and mostly slept though the night (unlike Mom) until he woke at 6:01 this morning right on schedule with big smiles on his face. And there has been nothing resembling a schedule since. He really really really didn't want to take his 8am nap and I spent 45 minutes in the bedroom with him crying. He had tears! I couldn't believe it. I think he finally realized he's not going back to the BH and he was just sad. Peter tried for another 20 minutes to get him to sleep and I knew it was time to give it up when I heard giggling coming from the bedroom. Peter's a sucker. Oh well, what's one nap gone? And we decided to go for a walk along the river at 11 to pay off Peter's haircut that he didn't have enough money for yesterday and he snoozed for maybe 20 minutes during our hour outing. His 12 o'clock nap? No way. But at about 2:15 he started sitting really still and chewing on his little bite cloth that he loves and we decided to strike while the iron was hot. I hear him in the other room right now but I think he slept for almost 3 hours. Peter and I slept for 2 of them. I think we were all just running on adrenaline and happiness and didn't want to miss a single second of our first full day together. I have never seen more smiles, laughter and contentedness from Rinat than I have today (despite the lack of sleep). It fills my heart to know that he is happy with us. Sorry for the lack of a photo with this post but we decided to just enjoy the day and forget about the camera for once. I may try to get a video of him getting ready for bed tonight though. Last night I wet a washcloth and gave him a good rubdown and he LOVED it. He was laughing and laughing. I can't even tell you how many times today that I have said to both myself and to Peter "God, do I adore him." Oh, and I will have to get a photo of the 'nest' I made for him. I put a folded up comforter and some blankets on the floor for him to sleep on. There is no crib and I don't want him in the bed so he is boxed in by a wall on one side, the bed on the other, the bedside table at his feet, and a suitcase at his head. He woke up once last night because he had somehow pushed the suitcase away and was on the floor stuck in between it and the comforter. Poor guy. Alright, time to get the little guy. God, I adore him. -m
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Video Worked!
Hey everybody! I finally got the video to upload and put in a cute one of him with his fave toy- the stacking cups of course. Just push the 'play' button and it should start. I hope it works for you because he is absolutely adorable. And do you notice it is NOT in the BH? Yup, it is in our living room in our very own apartment. Well, after our last post, our sweet baby slept an entire 2 hours and then started making some noise that it was time to get up now. When we went in to get him, he gave us that 'oh hey, it's you guys!' look and was smiling more than I have ever seen. I think he likes us. And we of course adore him. Even his terydactle shrieks. :-) We have also discovered in these few short hours that he likes carrots with potatos and that he loves apples. Yum. And now that he is not eating some gross porrige thing, his spit up doesn't actually smell all that bad. We may wait for a couple of days to give him a bath until he is totally comfortable with us, but I can't wait for that too. He will be so cute! And you can guarantee there will be some nekkid photos posted for all to see. Keep commenting and I'll keep posting! Much love to all. Your comments are so sweet and they mirror everything that we are also feeling- happiness, excitement, and gratitude for everyone around us. Have a wonderful day! -m
He's Ours!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Last Day of Freedom
Hey everybody! I tried to put up a video but it gave me an error message several times and I have to head to bed so I'll try again tomorrow. Sorry. So it was our last day ever without our little one. It's so crazy! But I am glad that we decided to wait and get him tomorrow because we spent the evening with all of our other buddies celebrating. There are two other couples, the Peruvians and Canadians, who are also picking up their sweeties tomorrow so everyone met up at the Biteryk (I have no idea how to spell that one but it is the tall spiky building near the capital) to see it at night and then we all walked down the 'mall' to the base of the oil building and had dinner together. There were 10 of us and it was a mix of people like us who are almost done with the process and who are excited to be on their way out and people who have just gotten here and are excited to be starting the process. It was really nice. And as always, Gulsanna came along with us. I just love her. She entertaining and fun and helpful and I just want to kidnap her and take her home with us. How exactly do we get her a visa to visit the US? We are still not sure exactly when we'll get getting our guy but you can bet that we will let you know the second he is permanently ours. We were supposed to go in the morning but there is some kind of 'special inspection' of course so they said they would let us know. "Probably the afternoon" is what we were told. We get to sleep in anyway. 'Til tomorrow... -m
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday Could Have Been our Last Day of Visiting

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Our Last Day without Rinat
Hey all- This will be a short one since we have nothing really to report and also my goober husband needs the internet for his fantasy football league in 10 minutes. So today we did nothing. Literally. Peter read an entire book and I spent a long time looking at baby clothes online. I figure it's the last time we will be legally barred from spending time with our little one so we better get in all the rest and relaxation that we can. Also, I am tired of looking at souvenirs and baby clothes and we don't need anything from the grocery store so our choices were limited. But we did get together with all of the other families who are here with the exception of one who was under the weather. Our friend from Cleveland made beans & rice, Peter and I brought apps, someone else brought wine, salads, dessert. And we just hung out for a few hours. It was nice to have something to look forward to on the day that we don't get to see our sweet baby. Anyway, that was our day in a nutshell. Hope yours was good! -m
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The IceShow/Circus- a full day

The Museum

Hi all- Here's our post for Friday even though I know you'll be reading it on Saturday. This morning, we went to the museum across the Ramstore and it was really nice. They had a lot of gifts given by different world leaders including something from the President of Tatarstan where our little guy is perhaps from. And there was the Ethnographic Hall with beautiful rugs and a big yurt in the middle. On the second floor they had lots of replicas of the amazing mausoleums around Kazakhstan and a room full of decorations with gold and gems including a full suit made of gold. And there was an area that talked a bit about the pagan religions that existed before either Islam or Christianity came to Kazakhstan. By then we'd been there for a couple hours and we decided to go back and eat some lunch. We'll check out floors 3, 4, 5 & the museum store (with rugs) later and let you know how they were. Our visit with Rinat was, of course, fantastic as always. He was really sleepy when we got there (I think they woke him up, fed him, and handed him over) and he just sat still with me for a about 30 minutes and then was raring to go as always. He is just loving the fact that he can get around so quickly. We are not loving it so much but at least in the playroom, we know there is limited trouble he can get into. We'll have to figure out how much to babyproof at home so we can feel the same there. Then we ran and got Baheet's gift (some perfume) and some Russian baby books at the bookstore next door. Then we hung out at home, made dinner, went to bed. I can't believe that pretty soon our life will be completely different. I can't wait. -m
Friday, August 24, 2007
Our Little Drooler

Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Same Old, Same Old

Hey everyone! So babycakes was a little bit better today but still had some issues. Gulsanna even went to try and find the doctor and see if she could offer any guidance but she was out of the building. It's so sad! I am wondering if they gave him some new food or something that maybe doesn't agree with him. Gulsanna said it looked like mashed potatoes (which he has had before) and buckwheat. But since we have no idea what they feed him the rest of the time, it's kind of hard to know. Oh well, he's ours soon enough and we can do whatever we want, feed him whenever we want, and give him water if we want. I guess it's kind of good that we are alone for visitation these days because I'm afraid it might have scared the bejeezus out of the others. But aside from that he was happy and smiling and active as always. And, as you can see, he enjoyed reading his photo album again today. Other than that, our day was pretty uneventful. Get up, drink coffee, read, internet, lunch, grocery store, walk to Astana Bakery to get dinner (roast chicken, rice, green beans, cabbage salad- Yum!), TV. Groundhog Day all over again. The only slightly exciting thing that happened today was our landlord came by to collect rent. She is just the sweetest ever. Her name is Larissa and she is so sweet and I just want to hug her for some reason. Gulsanna told me, however, that I was supposed to clean the apartment before she got there so it was a mad rush to pick all our junk up (I had actually just vacuumed and dusted a few days prior if you can believe it). Anyone who knows us knows that there was stuff everywhere- dirty dishes in the sink, dirty clothes on the floor, piles of books that we have read, piles of Rinat's clothes to take with us to the Baby House. I asked Gulsanna if every one's landlord came by every month to collect and inspect the apartment and she said 'yes' in her way that kind of means more like 'of course, how else would they do it?' I was telling her that in the states, we just mail the landlord a check and the only time we see them is when we sign the contract and when we move out. And she said that they don't use checks because of forgery and that most people don't even put their money in the bank because it costs too much to open an account. Interesting. I think some smart person that we know should open a bank with no fee to open an account and get rich. Any takers? Then maybe next time we come we can just use a check instead of hauling a bunch of cash around- although our stack of cash is rapidly dwindling. Well, that's all I can think of for now. I think we may go to the museum tomorrow so maybe I will have something a bit more interesting to talk about. Have a good day! -m
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Someone Has Issues

It's Been One Month Today

Hi All! So as of today we have known our little poopsie for an entire month and we are amazed at how much he has changed already. He has gone from scooting to crawling, from having short spiky hair to having hair almost long enough to lay down, and most importantly from having no idea of who we are to coming to us for comfort and playtime. And it's amazing that in all of this time, we've only gotten to see him for 53 hours. I know because I counted. So we have known him only for a little over two days and we are already so attached to him. I can't even imagine how we'll feel when he is ours forever (quick, find some wood to knock on!). We have one more week to go and then I guess we'll find out. I can't wait. In other news, we have found that our little Rinat likes to sit in my lap while I read him a book. I'm so happy. I thought he would just grab it to chew on instead of actually listening to the story. I tried to rush through the book before he could wriggle away but he just sat there listening. As a matter of fact, I read our book to him twice and then got out our photo album (Thanks Carse!) and he looked at that for another few minutes before he started with the chewing. We only brought one book with us but it looks like we may have to invest in some more. We have started looking for board books in Russian but they are kind of hard to find. I know for sure that I can't read a book with any kind of story in it but I figure I can handle the Russian in a board book. I would love to find one of those books with a picture and word on each page. I can probably handle sounding out yablakah and konyeega (the words for 'apple' and 'book' by the way). We'll see. Alright, I'm going to work on today (Tuesday)'s post now. -m
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Food for Rinat and Food for Us

Hi all- So our big outing today (Sunday- I'm posting late) was to buy baby food for when our little one comes home next week. We bought a lot. You'll notice there is formula (instructions in Russian of course), chamomile and fennel tea (in case his belly bothers him when we give him totally different food than he is used to), some little biter biscuits (which he has never had but we think he'll enjoy- and do you notice the name? BabyCakes. Cute, huh?), and lots of jars of stuff. They even have cereal in jars so we don't have to figure out how to mix it when we can't read the instructions. Hopefully it'll tide us over until we get home to the states.
I have also been meaning to tell you a little about what we have been eating for the last month or so. They loooove meat here, especially lamb since they grow well here on the steppe. One of the other translators tells us they eat so much meat because they need the protein to get through the long winters. My theory is that they have long winters when veggies and fruits don't grow so therefore they don't eat them. And one of the others was telling us that they asked their translator what she ate for a snack and her response was "I am Kazakh. I like meat." We can't wait to get home and go to Whole Foods and buy out the entire produce section. Some of the food here is really good but there is very little variety- or maybe it's just that I don't know how to read the menu and just keep ordering the same thing. Here are some highlights:
Soup: Goulash (beef and veggies), Borsh (veggies), Kazakh (little meatballs and noodles in chicken broth), Lagman (beef/lamb and onions/redpeppers with homemade noodles in broth)
Main: Shashlyk (kebabs- chicken, lamb, beef, ground beef, fish), Plov (rice with meat and other stuff like carrots, raisins, chickpeas), Manty (big steamed meat dumplings), Pelmeni (small meat ravioli), Vareniki (small potato ravioli with sour cream or butter on top), Beliashi (big fried pastries with ground meat), Chicken puff pastry things, Fried Lagman
Bread: Baursakis/Kazakh Bread (small fried doughball like donut holes without the sugar), Khleb/Russian bread (regular white bread), small rounds breads with different things in the middle, brown German bread
Snack for beer: pistacios, dried out salty tring cheese, Pringles, croutons (yes, like we put on salad), chunks of meat and sausage (imagine that)
And that about covers it. *For those who are on their way to Astana, the best place in the entire city to get dinner is the bakery in the basement of the Astana Grocery. They have all kinds of prepared foods like manty and plov and they have pastries galore like the beliashi thing (which looks like a semicircle as big as half a plate and gets all crunchy like a big wonton when you heat it up in the oven) and the chicken pastries (little triangles of puff pastry). And it has a ton of cakes and eclairs and breads. It's fantastic. And there is one guy there who speaks English and always says either "Mazeltov!" or "Bon Apetit!" when we check out. He's funny and always talks us into buying something that we haven't tried yet and it's always good. He'll probably hear you speaking English and come talk to you so he can practice. And now I'm hungry. And I miss my little pumpkin. Today, I took over the computer and looked at every single photo we've taken so far since we don't get to visit him on Sundays. He's so cute! -m
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