Wednesday, August 29, 2007

He's Ours!

Hi there everyone! Aren't my two boys just precious reading together? I don't want to jinx it or anything but this has been way too easy so far. We went and picked out little angel up from the baby house around 12:30 today (he usually naps 12:00-2:00), made the rounds and saw the caretakers, doctors, and Dr. Alma one last time and then just came home to our apartment. He fell asleep in the car on the way here but then was wide awake the second we came through the door. New places are so exciting, aren't they? Well, I guess they are to 8 month olds anyway. Actually, he definitely was wide awake when we got on the elevator in our apt building with some other people and there was a man right next to him who he was absolutely terrified of. Sometimes I forget that they never see men at the BH. Gulsanna said that he was really scared of our driver Yurlan when they took him to the passport office that morning. Yurlan was supposed to hold him while they did paperwork. Gulsanna said "I have never seen him cry like that before but I think he was scared because Yurlan is a man. He was crying with tears down his face even!" Poor baby. But I think that Gulsanna was kind of touched when Baheet tried to hold him and he was having none of it and almost jumped into Gulsana's arms he was so eager for her to hold him. I told her that of course he loves her- he spends two hours a day staring at her in the playroom of the baby house. I think he is fascinated by her. Oh and our door lady at our apartment saw us bringing Rinat in the door today and she had a shocked expression on her face and asked something to the effect of "Is his yours?" and we nodded yes. I have a feeling that one is going to get around the apartment grapevine quickly. No one is actually supposed to see us with hm but oh well. Then we just hung out in our apt and played for a bit. He really likes Peter's calculator. It's so fun. I went into the kitchen to make come coffee for my sweet hubby (who has been sooooo nervous by the way) and when I heard one of those happy squeals that all babies make coming from the other room where they were playing together, I just started crying. Not just got misty-eyed but tears down my face crying. I'm sure Rinat thinks I am insane. I just couldn't believe that after all this time, it's finally MY child in the next room. OK so I teared up just a little at the Baby House as well when the caretakers were saying goodbye because they were starting to cry when they said goodbye to him- I guess it's just a happy crying kind of day today. So we played and we tried to feed him some lunch (mashed up noodles with chicken and veggies FYI) around his normal time but he wasn't really all that interested. I was a bit surprised too because the caretakers always say that he loves to eat and screeches when you don't shovel it in fast enough. Then we played some more until he started to get a bit crabby so I decided his afternoon nap might come a little bit earlier today since he didn't get one in the morning. So we made him a bottle, stuck in his binky, read some books, and put him down to sleep with a big grin on his face. He was snoozing within five minutes. I know because, like the nervous new parents that we are, Peter and I checked multiple times. And he's been asleep for almost an hour. Now, I know that our good luck will not last indefinitely but it's nice that he's letting us ease into things before the big freak out when he realizes we aren't taking him back home. I'm guessing it'll happen around 3:30am. What do you guys think? We'll be loving every minute of it though. I know that your day can't be even remotely as wonderful as ours, but I hope it's a good one. Much love to everyone- we would never have made it through everything without the support and encouragement of all of our family and friends. Love, (new parents) Maren & Peter


Susan said...

awww ya'll are so cute!! I am crying reading your post. Love the pic of Dad reading to him and i would cry too. He is so cute. Congratulations!!!

I am also going to cry if i don't receive my i-171h this week. Just kidding. sorta.

Congrats on becoming a family-and you are so cute. :)

Carson said...

Holla Holla! I got your post I am so thrilled he is with you all. I have not read it yet so gotta go read it now

Susan said...

ps. If you are crying now..JUST WAIT. When he's older and makes you sweet mother's day cards, at his kindergarten graduation, when he says something sweet or learns a new son (now 9) makes fun of me often. He asks his Dad, why does MOM cry when she's happy?

You are in for such a fun ride. Boys are so much fun. and Rinat is such a cutie pie.

thank you for letting me follow your blog. I never really read a blog until this adoption process started, now I am falling in love with other people's kids and following their stories like we've been BFF'S forever. :)

Carson said...

Now it is 7:45 and i am crying... Thanks..I am so happy for you all and I know Riant is the luckiest little boy with you two as his parents. Thank goodness you all are together and have each other. I am not making much since b/c I am am crying. i will email you later

All my love to the happy family

geri said...

Now you know I never cry...but this post brought tears to my eyes...if Rinat is cherished in direct proportion to the long, hard journey it took to get him, then he truly is the luckiest child on the planet. What is particularly beautiful to me is thinking about the wonder of it all...the forces that brought the three of you together an insecure world, you will always have each other and your family will be your haven. I remember the feeling and I envy you the true journey you are now about to begin. Much love to the three of you.

Mollie said...

Okay, Maren and Peter and you, too, Rinat!---You've got me crying once again! I guess I'll have the big cry once I know you're safely home! I just can't tell you how overjoyed we all are for you! Thanks again for including us in your exciting journey. You do know, Maren, that we're hoping you'll continue this blog for many years!

Love to each of you--

Mollie (and Ray)

Anonymous said...

Unlike Geri, I cry over everything, and true to me, I again cried reading your newest posting.
Someone else suggested it but I also had thought you should try to bring Gulsanna home with you. Why not?
Take care, love to the Leggett family.

Anonymous said...


Wish I could join in a group hug! Much love to you all.

Meredith said...

We've waited for this day with you for a long time! Hurry home soon!Love, The Melmeds

jenmiddleton said...

my heart is so happy today....the loooong wait is over!! xoxo jen m.

Kazadoption said...

Hi guys!!!!

even though I can call without it being long distance I thought I would write....your post is so touching... I am happy for all three of you being a family.. What a blessing you are to each other.. don't blink too fast they grow up quick.
Keep in touch..hope to see you before you take off to Almaty..

Jay & Jen Straw

Anonymous said...

I have chills (and tears) and cannot believe how your lives have forever been changed with this child becoming yours! I am overcome with happiness for you all and love knowing that after so long, you are a joyous and content family. You are so ready for this! We love you all!!

Anonymous said...

Now you can exhale!!!

Ann said...

I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to post a response to this wonderful news... I have been in clinical all morning (sorry I missed your call... feel free to call again!) I am so happy for all three of you!! I can't wait for you to come home so I can quickly become his favorite auntie (sorry, Kate!)!!! I've gotta go dry my eyes now... thanks for making my already wonderful family even better!


Anonymous said...

(sob) I (sobbing) AM (sobbing some more) SO (sob) HAPPY for the (sob) THREE of (sobbing uncontrollably) YOU!

Marshall said...

A Journey like no other...checked in every day for the updates. That was a special treat. What a blessing for all three of you to have found one another. Safe Travels home, cant wait to meet the little man...much love, Marshall and Mary Catherine

Anonymous said...

I, too, can't stop crying! What a beautiful blog recapturing a most beautiful, monumental day!!

Our family extends so much love to the three of you, and could not be happier that your family is now complete!

Love, Kennon and Charlie

geri said...

We watched the video at least 10 times at the store the other day. Jan, who knows and notices everything, thinks he might be ambidextrous, because he picked up the cup with his left hand and then transferred it to his right hand to chew on it...maybe a future doctor? Gosh, he is really cute!