Monday, September 3, 2007

The Road Less Traveled

Hey there everybody! Here are my boys at our favorite place (Astana Bakery- yum) giving the big thumbs up that we are going home soon. Don't you love the way Rinat is looking at the statue? I can't believe we're headed home. We came here as a couple and are going home as a family. It's crazy. You know, I am not a big lover of poetry but ever since we started the whole adoption thing I have had that Robert Frost poem in my head. You know, the one that goes something like 'Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by'? I'm sure you've seen it on a bumper sticker somewhere or an inspirational refrigerator magnet or something. Well, the other day I was thinking about it again and wondering what the rest of the poem said. I wanted to know what happened when he took the less traveled way- where did he end up?- so I Googled it (gotta love the internet, right?). The final line of the poem say 'And that has made all the difference'. And I got to thinking about how accurate that is. Forever ago, back when I was young I had a plan. I would get married to Peter, we'd wait a few years and have kids, and then we'd go about our happy lives. Well, as anyone over the age of 20 can tell you, life never turns out exactly how you thought it would. But it does usually work out for the best. If things had gone according to plan, I never would have had some of the adventures I've had in foreign countries, never had the two years in AZ to see Peter sort of come into his own, never known how strong our marriage could become, never known the strength that Peter and I have to make it through the last few years, never really known what wonderful friends and family we have to support us, and most of all, never come to the other side of the world to Kazakhstan and met our beautiful son, Rinat. Taking the path less traveled has made all of the difference to us and I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel like we have arrived at the exact place that we were meant to. And that said, I can't wait for that path to lead us home to DC in a few days! We leave for Almaty tomorrow afternoon and then the US on Friday night. I will try my best to keep up the blog while we're in transit but I am not sure how much access we'll have to the internet- I feel sure I can find an internet cafe somewhere along the way. But I will most definitely update everyone when we get home safe and sound. So, bye for now and I'll post as soon as I get a chance! Much love to everyone out there reading this. Thank you so much for your comments because they have been our link to home for this crazy journey. We can never thank you enough. -m


Anonymous said...

I may have said this before, but this was the best posting yet. You just don't know how lucky we are to have somewhat gone through this journey with you guys! I know I've also said this before, but I just don't think I could possibly be happier for the two of you :) All of your words of such appreciation are just more proof of how very much you deserve this blessing! OK...enough sappiness from me....MUCH LOVE!

Susan said...

I love that picture of Rinat. He is staring at that large bakery man like, dude, who are you. :)

I have so loved following your blog. I'm sure it's weird, total strangers commenting on your blog, but, when "picking the road less traveled" as you so eloquently put it, it is so helpful and heartwarming to read others journey's to make you less anxious about your own. My husband makes fun of me for reading all the blogs, but I feel so much more prepared for what is to come, because of families like yours. SO, thank you so much for sharing. It's such a beautiful thing to watch. A friend of mine actually suggested that I "take a break from blogs" as she thinks it's making more depressed every time the mailman doesn't deliver my I-171H. No way, I'm not going without my blogging.

clennon6 said...

I seriously have to put the tissue box next to the computer each time I read your blog! I can't tell you how happy I am for you...Rinat is adorable and your journey has been amazing to read about. Thanks again for sharing this experience!
Colleen :)

Anonymous said...

Maren, you have such a way with words that just is over the top. How do you keep topping the previous blog?
And, you always make me cry; so happy for you three. You must come to L'burg soooooon.

jenmiddleton said...

YAY! We can't wait for you to get home!

I love your comments about Robert Frost's poem...they were really touching. After Hadley was born, Eric said to me, "if Sept. 11 never happened, Hadley wouldn't be here." It's POWERFUL to take the road less traveled, and I'm so glad you all did -- because Rinat deserves you and Peter and you guys deserve him!

Get home safely! Love to you all!

xoxo Jen M.

Anonymous said...

God speed! I am so happy for the three of you. Bring that precious little boy to the Lynchburg SOON! He is already loved by so many of us. Thanks to your wonderfully written stories Maren, we all have been with you in prayer constantly. Hugs, kisses and a LOT of love to you all!
oxoxoox Purnell

Sandi said...

What a great picture and a perfect poem. I can not wait to hear from you guys once you are safe and sound in D.C. I hope the trip home is not too eventful and that you guys can all catch some zz's.

Best of luck to you guys.

Anonymous said...

What a much deserved blessing that precious Rinat is for you two, and you for him! Being able to follow along throughout your beautiful journey has been such a lifetime treasure--I am so grateful to you for sharing it.

You three are an amazing family and I look forward to being able to follow you through the years.

Lucy Ross

Meredith said...

Which is scarier, peter's chicken legs or that fake bakery dude? Well I guess we've all seen you through a lot since your first date where carson about scared peter off SBC's campus with her interrogation. I am proud of you guys for sticking to what's important and for growing together through the ups and downs of the road that led you to Rinat. Turtle Park, here we come baby! Get home soon.Love, Mer

Carson said...

What interrogation.....HA! I love that poem and it is so accurate for what you have done and accomplished together as a couple, and on you both over the last few years. You two are an inspiration to us all. And now thier are 3 of you and what an impact little Rinat will have on the world. Hurry home, and try and keep in touch if you can.

Well with that said I love you all and Sister Sledge is signing out. Check you guys on the state side.

Your phone will be ringing off the hook and you better answer. :)

Anonymous said...

What a journey!! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. Maren, I have fully enjoyed reading your entries and will miss them very much. You need to start a blog about your experiences as a new Mother and family. With your flare for writing, what a great journal you will have. Can't wait to see the darling little one and mom with the big smile.

Have a safe trip home.
Love from all of us at GF.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those Sweet Briar ladies know how to express themselves.
Maren, that was the most inspiring, beautiful, and meaningful post yet.
Maybe you are the poet, and just don't know it......yet.
Nancy and I can't wait to see you three Saturday.
What a special day that will be!
Be safe and take good care of Rinat!

Carrington Cole said...

Maren & Pete -
Big Pete just sent me the link to your blog so I've spent the last hour reading, laughing and crying over these 4 incredible months of your lives. I'm a latecomer to the posts, but I've thought of you so often and can't wait to meet Rinat. He's a truly beautiful child, and you are obviously going to be spectacular parents! Much love to all 3 of you!!

Anonymous said...

Holy teary eyes (on my part) - we can't wait to have you all back in DC! Safe travels! xoxo - Maren

Anonymous said...

great post!!! - one thing you gained by going on the road less travelled that you forgot to mention -- you found out that you could write a book! I encourage you to do so. There's a market out there for it and you're good!
love to your family!

Anonymous said...

Hey Maren, I have been keeping up with your blog though I haven't posted. You are truly an inspiration to me (you have always been) as I am one of those "road less traveled" gals myself. I wish you and your family all the happiness in the world. Nick and I are planning a trip to DC in the fall to meet my new little cousin, so we'll coordinate with you and Kev. I can't wait!!

love, jill

Anonymous said...

So erudite, my daughter!! And who knew I was raising a philosopher?

The bakery picture is may favorite so far...