Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Hi! Here's our little guy pretending to help Daddy rake the leaves. Mostly he just wanted to hand them all to me or eat them but whatever. This week was really fun for our little guy. We had Walt/Nan/Sam/Sara in town again for most of the week. They stayed up in Baltimore for a couple days for Nan's conference and R and I drove up and went to the aquarium with them. Rinat had a lot of fun watching the big fish and playing with his cousins. Then they came and stayed with us for a few days and we went to the Natural History and the Air & Space Museums down on the Mall. But Rinat's faorite part of course was just hanging out with family. Sam (he's 4) just loves Rinat and spent a lot of time smushing Rinat's cheeks and kissing him. And Rinat spent a lot of time just staring at Sam. I think they are going to be good friends when they get older. And Sara (she's 1) taught Rinat how to point and he now says 'more' her way sometimes instead of his clapping way. And speaking of his sign language, he is doing more and more signs. He now has 'milk' and 'all done' down pat and he'll do them without me even saying the word. We all lay in bed for a while in the morning, and when he's had enough, he just lets us know by signing that it's time for milk. It's so great. And we have nicknamed our guy the Diaper Houdini because he somehow has figured out how to take one side of his diaper off during the night through his pajamas and he pees all over his clothes and crib. His still slept through the night though so it must not bother him to be soaking wet. That makes it three nights in a row for him and two happy parents. And this happy parent will talk to you later. Have a great week! -m


Anonymous said...

Hooray for sleeping thru the nite!! It was great to visit w/ y'all this last week. Rinat is already getting so much bigger. We'll have to get the cousins together again soon. Enjoy every minute (even the bad ones :-),


Ann said...

Awwww.... look at Daddy's little helper!!! Perhaps y'all could spare him for a few days... I have a leaf or two to be raked up!!! Can't wait to see him Friday... oh, and you and Peter too!!!


geri said...

Gosh he's looking like a toddler! Put a book on his head to stop him from growing up so fast! All those teeth! Can't wait to see you guys!

Sandi said...

What a great update. Wow he getting so much bigger. Looks like he is really growing up... Glad he is sleeping through the night that is great news.


Matthew Ruley said...

What a sweetie! I've been reading your blog for a really long time (followed your whole journey). I don't think I ever sent you an invite to our blog - if you're interested email me at ruley at tampabay.rr.com. We're "waiting"

Matthew Ruley said...

Rinat is the cutest little guy and it sounds like hes adjusting so nicely! I had to order the Signing Time CD set... He really is growing!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to hug that little squirmy worm. Only a few days :)

Auntie Kate

Susan said...

Rinat gets cuter every day!! So glad you are having so much fun with him. He's adorable!!! :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute boy you have! I keep comming back to your site all of the time because your style of writing is so informative and fun to read.

I love your idea "I WISH I HAD KNOWN" and I hope you will post it soon, as it would be a great help to those who are interested in adopting from Kaz.