Or a little angel?
Well, let's put it this way- nights he has slept through this week- 4 of 7, times he woke us up Halloween night- 5, times he falls over laughing every day at something silly I've done- countless. He's such a good audience! The things he thinks are the most funny lately are tickling him with my foot, having a crawling race with him to get a toy, and putting anything and everything on his head and pretending it's a hat. I just love that he thinks it's so funny that his secret little dimple in his right cheek makes an arrearance. And he has some new tricks that I am particularly proud of. First of all, he can now use this little semi-spoon utensil to scoop up his oatmeal and get it to his mouth- with my help of course, but still I am impressed. He also will drop his binky (pacifier) into his crib after his nap when I ask him to. And he has this 'more' sign down pat. Now, anytime I am eating or drinking anything that he thinks looks interesting, he gives me a very insistent MORE sign until I cave in- I have to reward him for not screaming, right? And he has been making all kinds of interesting sounds now too. For a while, he made a little kissing sound which was cute. Then he started making a clicking sound with his tongue which was nice because I always knew where he was since I could hear him clicking around the house. And now Peter has taught him how to do the American Indian war whoop thing- you know where you use your hand to make it sound like "WaWaWaWa"? Except Rinat does it with the back of his hand. Whatever, he thinks he's really cool. And Halloween was really nice. We went over to our friend Jen's house and all of the kids played. Rinat was an alligator by the way- isn't he adorable? Have a great weeekend! -m
Very cute Rinat! Taylor has also learned the Indian war call, funny thing is is that she does it with the back of her hand too! Glad to hear you are all doing well!
I heart my nephew in the biggest way possible. I definitely vote that he is an angel ... although I'm not the one getting up five times a night to tend to him!
Rinat is a cutie pie! I've been following your blog on a regular basis, although I don't think I comment very much. I read about the BabySigns on the Bilbros blog and had to order them, and your entry reaffirmed that decision. How sweet! We're waiting - our agency says we'll travel "soon" although there is no quantity of time with it. Thank you for sharing your story with us. If you were interested in reading our blog, you can email me at ruley at tampabay.rr.com and I will send you an invite.
I love the costumes. He is so cute and gets cuter each time we see updated photos. i have been told I will be travelling soon to Kostonai. So until then I am just trying to get prepared.
Thank you so much for updating the blog and letting us enjoy pictures of your beautiful son
I love, love, love his little costume! He is the cutest alligator ever!!! Though from the looks of the other photos you sent, he wasn't too happy about his costume at first! I agree with Auntie Kate... he is definitely an angel!!!
Auntie Ann
Your mother is showing us your baby--he is adorable!
Heather Garnett, R-MWC Alumnae Director
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