Thursday, July 19, 2007

We're in Kaz!

Hi All- So here we are. After 20 hours of traveling, we are finally here. As a final sendoff, we treated ourselved to one last American meal at Fuddruckers and a final Starbucks (which I spilled all over myself when I spazzed out when our flight was called). A hellacious flight next to screaming kids and a chair that wouldn't recline, and an hour 'lightening delay' and we were in F'furt. By the way, Frankfurt airport sucks. But then we hopped our flight to Astana and got here safe and sound late last night. Our translator G, our coordinator B, and our driver (whose name I haven't mastered quite yet) met us and helped us get situated at the hotel. Then, on 3 hours of sleep, we had a big talk with our peeps who told us we had to get to the Ministry of Education super early to beat the other couple who had also just gotten here. So here we are, showered and ready to go at the crack of dawn. I guess we're a little jet lagged but we're raring to go. We'll let you know what happens! -m


Ann said...

Yay!!! I'm so happy y'all are there safe and sound!! And it sounds like things are moving along quite rapidly... :) Looking forward to the next post (I'm supposed to be writing a paper, but find myself checking the blog every 5 minutes instead!)!! Miss you and love you both!!!

geri said...

After a lesson on refresh from Ann, I have just read, thankfully, that you are in K'stan. Keep these blogs coming!

Anonymous said...

Glad things are moving right along: I'm not sure how much longer I can hold my breath! Mom

Meredith said...

We are having breakfast and I just had to check and see if we had any big news. SO excited to hear you arrived safely. I am going to be checking in all day to hear how it goes!

Carson said...

Hey y'all!! I am so glad you made it. Ok I am offically addicted to this website. I almost got up in the middle of the night when i realized it was allready Friday morning for you all. I can not believe it is moving so fast. I am headed to Altanta and then the mountains so I will be out of pocket for 8 hours. I will check tonight. But I can hardly wait. Miss you all tons and can not wait to read about the BABY???? next holy cow

jenmiddleton said...

Hello! So glad you are safe and sound. Like many others, I cannot stop checking the blog! I've been thinking about you every minute and can't wait for the next update. Just know there are many prayers going out to you today! Lots of hugs!