Thursday, July 26, 2007

I Can't Believe It's Been a Week!

Hi all- So we have officially been here a week. We had day 6 of visitation today, and tomorrow (zaftra- my word for the day) we get to break our guy out of the baby house for a bit to get his passport photo taken (for his Kaz passport that is). I'm so excited! What is he going to think of riding in a car? I don't think he's ever even been outdoors yet! I hope he's feeling better though because he did NOT have a good day today :-( He spent our whole visit crying- a first for him- and puking and then fell asleep sitting up. We are not supposed to let them sleep but one of the translators took pity on us (and him) and told us to let him have a 15 minute catnap and then wake him up before we took him back to his room so they wouldn't know. Peter was actually in heaven because he just passed out with his head on his Peter's shoulder the whole time. It made my little heart sing. So, someone was asking about the name. I am not telling the first name quite yet so I don't get in trouble with the people who decide if we get to keep him or not but I can tell you that we are keeping his Kazakh name as his first name (it's kinda cute) and then Armstrong for a middle name (which has led to much amusement on the part of all of the ladies for some reason) and then of course Leggett. They have also told us the English version of his Kaz name which you are free to use if you wish but Peter and I are sticking with the name he came with. Some other tidbits- we have spent the last 4 days hanging out with our translator G (waiting for internet) and quizzing her on all kinds of Kaz culture including her knowledge of past and current movies, music, celebrity gossip, whatev and Peter insists that I inform everyone out there reading, that out of all of the music on his laptop, she instantly recognized Hotel California by the Eagles (Mer&Lynd that was for you). Of course it is a club mix here instead just like Pink Floyd's The Wall and every other song. I do love the Russian rap videos and we get my fave channel- Fashion TV (they had it in Thailand). Today Peter made her watch Smokey and the Bandit on our laptop. She thought it was funny but said she couldn't understand what the sheriff Beauford T Justice was saying. I told her neither could I. BTW- I swear our little one said Mama today. Yes, I realize he didn't know it- but I did! Well, stay tuned because we had our internet installed today at 6:15 pm and it will (supposedly) get turned on between 2 and 4 tomorrow. I wonder what we can think of to torture poor G with tomorrow.


jenmiddleton said...

SO much happening! Poor little sick thing...hope you guys don't get sick too...:-) Welcome to parenthood! Glad things are moving along as planned. We miss you lots and are thinking of you every minute! xoxox The Middletons

Meredith said...

Nice one Peter on the Eagles--just cause she heard it doesn't make you any cooler.haha. Did you quiz her on all your Us magazine pop culture knowledge too? Hope Baby Leggett is feeling better guess they don't have any pedialyte over there. But then again Caroline won't drink that stuff either...Happy First Week with the Munchkin!

Anonymous said...

A whole week already--it seems both much longer and much shorter. I think of the THREE of you often and how much fun you are having together and will be having in the years ahead too. Much love

Ted Howard said...

I'm happy to hear that you have Fasion TV. Is it the Russian edition? I'll bet that's a good one. Any local MTV equivalent? Those are fun to watch.

So ... what's the English equivalent of Akjigit? Sterling, right?

Marshall said...

WOOHOO! SO happy for you two! I find I am still internet stupid as I have been looking for updates all week and did not look at left side of web page! Cant wait to meet the lil man! Much love to you both! marshall and mary catherine

Anonymous said...

It is so fun to keep up with all your developments over there...Brian and I love all the updates, and it is wonderful to be able to picture what you are doing each day. Snuggle times with your baby are precious, and I am sure that he has stolen both of your hearts already!!! the way, did he puke on his shoes? haha...just some old school sbc humor!

Brian and Catherine said...

Catherine and I are very happy for you both!! You will be great parents.....just buy some ear plugs..

Peter....gonna miss you at the sales meeting, I guess I'll let you slide this time....pretty good reason to miss the meeting.

Can't wait to see the newest member of the LEGGETT FAMILY!!!!

Carson said...

Sounds like you are getting some great bonding time puke and all. i can not believe you made her watch Smokey and the Bandit next thing you know you will have her watching 90201 re-runs.

Hey I really love this blogging thing but I still miss me phone calls