Friday, September 28, 2007
Busy Busy Busy!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Alive and Well
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Getting Settled In
Hey everyone! Today is a momentous day. Sweet Rinat slept an entire 8 hours last night which made Peter and I very very very happy. He still woke up at 4:00 but he is sleeping, thank goodness. And he definitely needs it because poor baby has a runny nose, hacking cough, and yesterday he even lost his voice. I think maybe he's sick, what do you think? A warm bath with Johnson&Johnson's Cold and Flu bath seemed to help a little bit or at least it distracted him from not feeling so great for a few minutes and maybe the humidifier helped too. But we are actually headed to the doctor for our first visit this afternoon so I figure he can give him the once over and make sure there's nothing to worry about. Today is also fantastic because it's the first time that I have put Rinat down for a nap and there has been absolutely no screaming whatsoever. And it only took 4 minutes- I checked my watch. And he is slowly learning that just because we walk out of the room for a few seconds doesn't mean that we are gone forever and he doesn't need to start crying every single time. I yell to him "I'm still here! I'm still here!" over and over and it seems to help. But all of us are definitely getting a bit more comfortable with our new lives and it gets easier and more wonderful every day. He does still scream his head off but the second that smile comes out, it makes me forget that he's not perfect. Because right then he is. Oh and I am going to figure out how to use the fancy new camera that our sweet family got us so maybe I'll have some cute photos on the next post. Hopefully he'll smile for the camera and you can see that our perfect little sweetie is happy in his new home. Love to all. -m
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
So Far

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Soooo Happy!
Hi Everyone! I'll write more later but I didn't want to leave anyone hanging so I'll do a super short post. We're home and I could not be any more happy than I am now. The trip was long but we got here safe and sound with all of our luggage and and brought a new citizen to the States. Our bed was so incredibly comfy and Rinat loves his crib almost as much as I love the fact that we are not sleeping in the same room as him any more. He is doing pretty well considering that day is night and night is day for him right now. And us too. Alright Screamfest 2007 has begun. He freaks out any time Peter or I leave the room. Gotta go before he has a conniption. -m
Friday, September 7, 2007
Still Coming
Hey all- Just wanted you to know that we are still on track to head home tonight and we'll see you in the states on Saturday. Rinat's health stuff checked out fine at the American clinic and we met with the embassy people today and they gave him the big thumbs up even though he was covered in barf and we both smelled horrendous. Oh well, goes with the territory right? Well, I may have a chance to update in Frankfurt. What else will we do there for 7 hours? See you stateside. And we're out... -Maren, Peter, and Stinkpot Rinat
Thursday, September 6, 2007
OK so this will be a quick one but I'll come back and edit it when I get a chance- I only have 4 minutes. We're in Almaty, Rinat did wonderfully on the plane, it is gorgeous here and we love it, we've been to the doctor to get the thumbs up for him to immigrate to the States and we'll get the results tonight and then go to the embassy tomorrow. Everything is fantastic and we are really enjoying our time here. Last night we met a really nice woman from Flushing, NY who also adopted and talked to her for a long time. Alright, I'm out- more later. -m
Monday, September 3, 2007
The Road Less Traveled

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Watch Out America- Here We Come!

Saturday, September 1, 2007
Jumping on the Bed
Hey Everyone! Our internet is doing much better today (although our power- and the water too- have gone out twice) so I thought I'd put up a video of our (mostly) happy little guy. Peter is jumping on the bed and tickling his belly in case you are wondering what he is laughing about. So our day today was good. We got up at 5:30 right on schedule, had some b'fast, and went for a walk before it got too hot. Then we hung out in the blazing hot apartment all day and went for another walk after it cooled down tonight. A pretty uneventful day. I'm sure it sounds boring to you but I can tell you that we were never bored- our guy won't let us sit still! We did have a first today though- we gave him his first bath ever. I kind of thought that he might be freaked out but he wasn't. He just basically attacked the water. Him sit and tentatively splash around? No way. Instead, he pretty much pushed me aside and tried his hardest to do a faceplant into the water where he then went insane and tried to beat at it with the stacking cups. He was flinging water all around the bathroom in his frenetic attack. He wasn't laughing or even smiling but I think that he was perplexed by it because he had his Concentrating Face on. He has seen water of course but they don't give them actual bath at the BH but just kind of run them under the faucet to clean them off. We tried to get a video but it didn't come out so well. We'll try again tomorrow when it's Peter's turn to get in with him. He is a totally insane. I hope you are all having a good weekend! -m
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