Thursday, December 18, 2008
HoHoHo Meddy Kissmiss
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cutest Mouse EVER!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Today's Excitement
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
All Boy
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Court, Beach, The Day He Became Ours
Aug 13th- Court Day- I remember a year ago Baheet saying “Today is a day that will change your life forever- it is the day that you are parents.” But it didn’t really feel that way at the time, I was still afraid someone would come along and take Rinat away. It was not until we got on the plane to Germany that the anxiety was finally completely over and I felt like I could finally let down my guard and give my whole self to our little boy. But as I went back and read the post that I did back then that detailed our court date and how it felt and what we were thinking, I guess it did feel at least a little bit like an important day in our lives. And she was right- it has most definitely changed our life. I can not even count the number of things that our sweet boy has taught us. He taught us how important it is to have patience, that there is no limit to how much you can love someone- it just keeps growing every single day, he gave us the knowledge that our lives are meant for something good (him), and that our purpose is to give one more person to the world who has an open mind, open heart, is joyful, and responsible. I can’t wait to see him grow up and see the man that he will become. He has also shown us we have an amazing family that will continue to grow and change and we only increase our strength when we face challenges together and we become all the better for it.
Aug 16 to 23- We drove down to SC to go to the beach (Rin’s first time!) with Peter’s Dad’s family this week and it was tons of fun. It ended up being a 10 hour drive down (with a short stopover at Auntie Ann’s house) and Rinat did absolutely wonderfully. He did not cry for one single second the whole ride and he spent literally hours playing with a golf club and ball. Unbelievable, right? As a matter of fact, every time we got out of the car to change his diaper or make a bathroom stop, he would just say “Go Car! Beach!” I guess he knew that we couldn’t’ get to the beach until we got back in the car and drove there. Rinat had an absolute blast when we were there. The first time we headed down to check out the beach, he had no fear as usual. I should have known. He just walked right out into the waves and laughed his head off at the water rushing between his feet. When he got knocked down he wasn’t scared at all, he just kept right on jumping in. And he, of course, enjoyed lots of quality family time- especially with Granddaddy. Big Pete took him for at least a couple hours a day and played with him down on the beach so I got a vacation as well (and poor Peter had to head up to PA for a meeting for almost the whole trip). We also got to see Walt/Nan/Sam/Sara and as usual Rinat had a blast with them. He always learns something from them and this time it was how to jump off the side of the pool. All in all, it was a great trip. I did, however, get some bad news mid-trip in the form of an email from the agency we were using to adopt our next child and it made me really sad for the last few weeks. Basically it led me to believe that Kazakhstan is not where we will find our next child. So I took some time to mourn the fact that we have to leave Kaz behind and rethink things and I think we are now ready to get started again. A new agency and a new country, but we are on our way. I think so anyway. Of course it’s never a done deal until we bring the baby home so we’re just hoping we are doing the right thing and working on making sure. I am watching the Yahoo groups and blogs like a hawk and it looks like I will most likely be doing it for several years as we work on the next member of our family. But we’ll get there eventually.
Aug 29th- The Day He Became Ours- I was watching Run’s House on MTV recently (yes, of the rap group Run DMC) and just happened upon the episode when they brought their adopted daughter home to join their family and it was so similar to the day that we brought Rin home to our apartment. I remember being so terrified but so unbelievably happy at the same time. It was just so overwhelming but I wanted to soak up every second and not forget anything at all. It was a good natured competition between Peter and me as to who got to give him his first bath, first feeding, first reading books before bed, first getting up in the middle of the night, who slept next to him the first night, who could make him laugh the most or who he would crawl to first. And now, a year later, not all that much has changed. It is not longer a competition but I have yet to get sick of it. Instead of giving him a bath, I love to have him play on the floor of the shower while I wash my hair; instead of feeding him, we eat all of our meals at the table where we really do hold something like a conversation; instead of reading to him before he goes to bed, he hands me a book and just climbs right into my lap when he wants me to read to him; rather than sleeping next to him I am still 100% awake and out of bed the second I hear his cry in the night; and we still try to get him to giggle nonstop and he rather than crawling to us, he now runs. So different yet still the same. The only thing that has changed is that Peter and I love him even more than we did then. I never thought that would be possible but I constantly find myself just watching him concentrate so hard as he pretends to measure something with the measuring tape, mirrors the mommy face that I sometimes make as he shares his snack with Blue Bunny, says ‘mama do it’ when I ask him to put something away, and I find myself just unable to take my eyes off him, staring at him- literally fawning like a teenage girl over a boy she has a crush on. It sounds bizarre and slightly weird but it’s true. I’m obsessed. I have trouble completing an email, reading a magazine article, or having a conversation that is not interrupted by me watching him, amazed at the person he is turning into. So to commemorate bringing him home to our apartment in Astana one year ago today, I declared today to be Rinat Day. I did not do anything that was not Rin-related. I didn’t answer the phone, check emails, do laundry, cook, run errands, or any of those other things that keep my from focusing on my sweet boy. It was a good day. But then again, any day that involves donuts for breakfast and cupcakes for both lunch and dinner is always good J Yup, I let Rin make all of the decisions today. We started with a trip to Starbucks to get our sugar (and my caffeine) fix, then watched the Wawa movie (aka Ice Age: The Meltdown). Then he told me “Go car” so we got in the car and I asked him where he wanted to go he said “Cupcakes” so we drove to the grocery store to get some. I’m not sure where the idea came from but I was happy to go along with it. Then we played, ate, read, did puzzles and just generally just enjoyed hanging out all day long. As I said, it was a good day. I hope yours was good too. –m
I’ll post more fun Rinat stuff soon so check back.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
When We Met
Friday, July 18, 2008
Off to Kaz- 1 Year Ago
So here I am packing by bags to head to Kazakhstan to meet our son. No wait- that was last year. Yup, exactly one year ago today a frazzled, terrified couple left DC on a plane to Kazakhstan and came back almost two months later as parents. I can’t believe it has been a year already! It’s like someone pushed the fast-forward button and here we are. I still remember so vividly sitting in the terminal at Dulles just sitting, waiting, watching the people around us and wondering where they were going- meeting family (like us!), funeral, vacation, work. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t read, I could barely put two words together and I was so distracted that I was afraid I wouldn’t hear them call the flight. In short, I was a complete mess. Of course, Peter wasn’t exactly calm, cool, and collected himself either but at least he didn’t dump coffee all over himself minutes before getting on the plane for a 20 hour trip like I did. If only I had known that things would turn out as perfectly as they did. Here I am a year later and I have the most amazing, adorable, and loving family that I could have hoped for. I am truly lucky. As the anniversary of our trip to Kaz approached, I have felt kind of like the holidays are coming. And I guess they sort of are. We have so many stepping stones to celebrate- the day we met Rinat, the day the judge announced he was ours, the day we took him out of the Baby House to our apartment, the day we left Astana for good to complete our trip in Almaty, the day we stepped off the plane in DC and were finally home- there are 7 weeks of celebrations as we little by little became his family and he ours. As Rinat grows older, I hope to revisit this time every year and be able to relive the weeks, days, hours, and minutes that brought us together. I know it’ll drive him crazy and I’ll hear “Mooooommm, do I have to hear it again?” But I don’t care- he’ll know the whole story word for word even if I have to tie him down and torture him with it. I hope that you too can find something to celebrate today. Love to all. -m
Sunday, July 13, 2008
It's Been a While
Hi everyone! Gosh, where do I even start? I feel like it’s been eons since I last updated you guys on what our little sweet pea is up to. I guess it kinda has been. Well, it’s not for lack of cute & fun stories to tell about him. It’s not because our lives are boring and I have nothing to report. Quite the opposite actually. It’s been just as wonderful having our guy with us as always. He is still just as amazing to me. Sometimes (this morning in fact) I look at him and just want to grab him and squish him and kiss him until he cries out for mercy. OK so I really did chase him around the house in his adorable little footie pj’s this morning after breakfast and grab and smooch him until he said “Mama, NO! NO! NO!” Is there such thing as loving your kid too much? If so, I’m definitely guilty. So… since I last posted, we have had a couple more firsts. We left our sweet baby for a weekend for the first time with Peter’s sis, Ann. We went away four our TEN YEAR anniversary (can you believe it?) and though Peter only checked in with her a couple times, my friends- the protective bulldogs that they are- called to check up on Ann and Rin 4 times. I still don’t think Ann believes that I didn’t put them up to it. He, of course, was fine and had tons of fun with his Auntie. And still, almost 2 months later, out of the blue will say “Aaaaannnn! Puppy!” because she brought her dogs. We also spent almost a week at the lake house and had a great time. We had Mer/Caroline and Nan/Walt/Sam/Sara come and he just had a blast with everyone. He just soaked up everything- the beach, the water, the finger-painting, and he learned 9 new words from his cousins (mostly Sara). The last day that we were there, he and the cousins spent the morning running up and down the hallway chasing each other and laughing hysterically. It makes me want a million of them. We also took a trip to Lynchburg where he had his first trip to the pool. It has since become a several-times-a-week activity at our house. He loves it and can spend hours and hours there until I have to drag him away screaming. Also in L’Burg, he rode on the tractor with Mar which was the equivalent of Peter riding in a delorian or something. He’s such a boy and loves all things that are construction related- especially diggers. He must say that word about 40 times a day. And speaking of which, we had his 18 month checkup the other day and they asked if he could say 4-6 words. I counted after I got home and he knows… are you ready for this?… 100 words- not counting animal noises and people's names. ‘No’ is, of course, his all time favorite but he also can say things like ‘raspberry’ and ‘river’. And he also knows the letters D, R, O, E and the number 8. I think he may be brilliant. Actually, I hope that every parent thinks that about their kid but I really do think he’s well on his way to living up to his name. And he's so flippin cute I can hardly stand it sometimes. One of his new favorite things to do is to find a booboo on Mama, kiss it, and say “Booboo, bye-bye” and wave to it. It’s the sweetest thing ever. He has also started to play pretend with his animals. He shares his snacks, drinks, and binkies with them, puts a diaper on them, puts them on the potty, and tucks them in. He also has enjoyed pretending to cook in his friend Hadley’s play kitchen. I’m considering getting one for him- do you think Pottery Barn makes one in blue? And, lastly, we are finally finally finally getting started with the next adoption. We had to change placement agencies because the Kaz program with CAI is on hold at the moment. So we are now with a new agency that some of our friends in Kaz used and we are happy so far. I put a link up to their website on the left of the blog. We are trying for a girl this time so it will take quite a bit longer (like a couple years) but we are happy to get going with things. And I think the timing will be a good thing since I think Rin will be a better brother if he can get a couple of years on his little sis. Things are a bit slower with Kaz adoptions right now and we had considered adopting from somewhere else but we went to a party at the Kaz embassy here in DC in May and felt such pride at our adopted country that it made us even more certain that Kaz was the right way to go- even if the process is a bit rockier this time around. Cross your fingers that we don’t hit any more road blocks! In the meantime, we will be enjoying every second with adorable, sweet, smart, funny, and ornery little Rinat. We hope all’s well in your world. -m
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A Thankful Mother
I love when he puts his head on my shoulder and I can feel his soft hair on my cheek, when he helps me empty the dishwasher and is so proud of himself, that he does things just to make me laugh like giving me ‘big eyes’ and pretending to eat my toes, that he STILL loves to play peek-a-boo, that he is getting so independent but still wants my help, that he imitates me stretching in the morning and brushing my teeth at night, that he leads me around by a finger laughing that he has such control, I love our time in the morning and at night when he snuggles his nekkid little body into my lap, I love his excitement over a stick, caterpillar, or acorn, that he is genuinely interested in watching the lady bag groceries at the store, that he tells me when it’s time for bed by putting his hand next to his head and pretending to snore, that he consoles me when I cry, that he would rather play with me than any other toy in the house, that he is cautious with his older friends and comes to me when he’s unsure of what to do, and that he happily leaves me behind once he gains his confidence, I love his warm weight on my back when he’s in the carrier, when he will stop what he’s doing to turn around to give me a quick hug without being asked and then immediately turn back to what he was doing like he just couldn’t help himself, that he finds beauty in every single day and makes me do it too. And most of all I love that there is something new to love about him each and every day that I know him. On this mother’s day, I feel so honored and so incredibly lucky to be a mother to this amazing little person.
And, as a Mother’s Day gift to myself, I have started the application process to become a mother twice over. I can only imagine that the amount of love I feel will just grow with another baby joining our family. We never know where life will lead us, and I know the process will take a bit longer this time, but I am hoping to bring home a sister for Rinat sometime in the next two years. Round 2 has begun! Happy Mother’s Day to everyone out there. Much love -Rinat’s Mom
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Our Son is Amazing
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Still Here
Hi all you concerned friends and family-
9:00am We had another exciting night last night. I actually don't even know how I am functioning at the moment. All was well until about 2am when I woke up to the alarms going off and saw him once again awake and flailing. As I was trying to get my wits about me and stand up to go try and hold him down yet again, a nurse came in and saw what was going on. Then things got much more exciting when he started to move around like he was convulsing or something and I heard some liquid noises and the nurse yelled out the door into quiet unit "I need help!" Then entire staff came running. She explained that he was not convulsing but vomiting into his breathing tube which he had apparently yanked loose and it was not likely lodged in his esophagus. They tried to suction it out as quickly as possibly before he breathed in too much of the fluid and then they bagged him to get his oxygen. As they were trying to pump some oxygen in, they noticed that the pumping didn't correspond with his breathing rate and suspected that he had pulled out the tube and it was no longer working. So then the question was 'do we take the tube out and try and let him breathe on his own even though we just shot him up with a truckload more of sedative? Or do we try and re-intebate him and hope the sedative kicks in?' So they decided to take it out but have everything ready to put a new one right back in. So they got me near him (I couldn't even see him at this point beyond all of the people surrounding his bed), yanked it out, and waited to see what would happen. Our strong little guy had no problem letting out a very muted cry (due to the tube) and then very distinctly saying "MaaaaMaaaa" and reaching out. I think my heart stopped functioning for a second. Then, to make a long story short (or shorter than it could be anyway), he has spent the last 7 hours pulling out all of his other tubes. He now has only the saline and then all of the monitors that are hooked up to make sure his vitals are doing alright. Now, all we are waiting for is the doctor to give the OK to give him some food and send him on his way either home or to another unit since he no longer qalifies for the ICU. And I guess they need to check the Xrays too and make sure his doesn't have too much fluid in his lungs. Anyway, I will update this post as things happen. But, I am extremely happy to say, that at this point Rinat is screaming his head off and doing the 'eat' sign over and over and over again. I think it's a good sign. He's definitely insistent. Love to all. -m
11:00- We just got the news that we will be discharged from the hospital just as soon as the doc writes the orders. WooHoo! And sweet Ann has the magic touch and Rinat has been snoozing in her lap for almost 2 hours. I guess he just finally wore himself out and gave up the fight. All is good in the world. -m
1:15 Home safe and sound but more than a bit exhausted. Sweet baby is chowing down on some lunch and then I am thinking he'll grab a snooze (and hopefully I can too). I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's support and wishes for Rinat's good health. And I am so thankful that the doctors and nurses at Georgetown are so on the ball. For our sweet baby have been in such danger twice in less than 24 hours and then home again as happy as ever is amazing to me. I can't even think of what would have happened had they not been able to figure out the reason for the co2 levels or not known how to treat it. I finally broke down and actually cried on the way home from the hospital- I guess I just had to wait until I knew that he was totally out of danger before I could melt down. And now I am off to enjoy my son. Thank you so much for everyone's support. -m
9:00am We had another exciting night last night. I actually don't even know how I am functioning at the moment. All was well until about 2am when I woke up to the alarms going off and saw him once again awake and flailing. As I was trying to get my wits about me and stand up to go try and hold him down yet again, a nurse came in and saw what was going on. Then things got much more exciting when he started to move around like he was convulsing or something and I heard some liquid noises and the nurse yelled out the door into quiet unit "I need help!" Then entire staff came running. She explained that he was not convulsing but vomiting into his breathing tube which he had apparently yanked loose and it was not likely lodged in his esophagus. They tried to suction it out as quickly as possibly before he breathed in too much of the fluid and then they bagged him to get his oxygen. As they were trying to pump some oxygen in, they noticed that the pumping didn't correspond with his breathing rate and suspected that he had pulled out the tube and it was no longer working. So then the question was 'do we take the tube out and try and let him breathe on his own even though we just shot him up with a truckload more of sedative? Or do we try and re-intebate him and hope the sedative kicks in?' So they decided to take it out but have everything ready to put a new one right back in. So they got me near him (I couldn't even see him at this point beyond all of the people surrounding his bed), yanked it out, and waited to see what would happen. Our strong little guy had no problem letting out a very muted cry (due to the tube) and then very distinctly saying "MaaaaMaaaa" and reaching out. I think my heart stopped functioning for a second. Then, to make a long story short (or shorter than it could be anyway), he has spent the last 7 hours pulling out all of his other tubes. He now has only the saline and then all of the monitors that are hooked up to make sure his vitals are doing alright. Now, all we are waiting for is the doctor to give the OK to give him some food and send him on his way either home or to another unit since he no longer qalifies for the ICU. And I guess they need to check the Xrays too and make sure his doesn't have too much fluid in his lungs. Anyway, I will update this post as things happen. But, I am extremely happy to say, that at this point Rinat is screaming his head off and doing the 'eat' sign over and over and over again. I think it's a good sign. He's definitely insistent. Love to all. -m
11:00- We just got the news that we will be discharged from the hospital just as soon as the doc writes the orders. WooHoo! And sweet Ann has the magic touch and Rinat has been snoozing in her lap for almost 2 hours. I guess he just finally wore himself out and gave up the fight. All is good in the world. -m
1:15 Home safe and sound but more than a bit exhausted. Sweet baby is chowing down on some lunch and then I am thinking he'll grab a snooze (and hopefully I can too). I can't tell you how much I appreciate everyone's support and wishes for Rinat's good health. And I am so thankful that the doctors and nurses at Georgetown are so on the ball. For our sweet baby have been in such danger twice in less than 24 hours and then home again as happy as ever is amazing to me. I can't even think of what would have happened had they not been able to figure out the reason for the co2 levels or not known how to treat it. I finally broke down and actually cried on the way home from the hospital- I guess I just had to wait until I knew that he was totally out of danger before I could melt down. And now I am off to enjoy my son. Thank you so much for everyone's support. -m
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Rinat's Hospital Visit
*10:15- So here are the scariest words that a parent can hear from the doctor operating on her son as he walks into the room after several hours in the OR- “I need to talk to you”. Yup, his easy little no-big-deal surgery has turned out to be a much scarier experience than we had anticipated. I got all dressed up in scrubs and was in the room when they put him to sleep. I kissed him and told him I’d see him soon and I was confident that it would be quick and easy. Then the doctor walked me back to his little room in the ped surgery area and told me he’d come get me again in about an hour or hour and a half. I, of course, started checking my watch every 5 minutes starting at the hour mark. Then every 30 seconds after the 90 minute mark. And after then I was too freaked out to even read my book or do anything but stare at the wall and worry about all of the things that could be going wrong. And after almost 2 hours the anesthesiologist walked in and said those dreaded words. He told me that our sweet little baby had a reaction to the anesthesia called Malignant Hyperthermia (well, he said it was probably this). This typically presents itself as a high level of CO2, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia (is that the same thing?), high blood pressure, and finally muscle rigidity and it can ultimately result in death. Yes, DEATH. My heart stopped for a second until he assured me that the latter had not happened. Just thinking about the possibility makes me want to throw something at the wall as I sit here waiting. I just focused on this fact as he began to tell me what happened. Rin had actually only one of the symptoms of this reaction- according to the doctor, he had a very very very high level of carbon dioxide that he could not bring down via hand-pumping oxygen into him. So they had to remove the small tube that they had inserted for the surgery and intebate him with a large tube. And I think maybe they gave him some drug too but my memory is kind of hazy since my mind was going a mile a minute. It is really rare to have this reaction so the anesthesiologist is calling NIH to seek their advice on how best to treat him- I think they have some kind of national database or something.
**11:00- So the operating doctor just came in and said that he doing well and is sedated and will remain that way for 24 hours and they will send blood to the lab every six hours so that they can make sure that the toxins are getting flushed out and his body is getting back to normal and they will keep the tube in for this time too. Poor sweet baby. And now we are waiting for the anesthesia to wear off before they come and get us to be with him and they are checking him into the Pediatric ICU in the meantime. We will stay with him all day and I guess I’ll send Peter home at some point to get me some clothes and toothbrush so I can spend the night. And maybe some food if ever feel like eating again- right now it is most definitely NOT an option. I feel like something bad might happen if I tried to eat. Sooo… that’s where we are as of now. I will update at the bottom of this post as we find out more and finally get to see our little pumpkin. Love to you all. –m ps the cherry blossoms are amazing right now. Check ‘em out online or call in sick to work- they won’t last long!
11:45- Still waiting. Our nurse just went and checked on him and he seems to be doing fine. There are still 2 anesthesiologists in there to monitor him and a respiratory doctor too. At least he's been well looked after. As are we.
2:45- So we just spent a couple of hours down in the recovery room with Rin waiting for a room to open up in the ICU. Now one is open so I am waiting for them to transfer him and get him all set up so I can sit with him again. Sweet sweet Ann has driven up from Richmond to be with us and help if she can. It is so nice to have a calming presence in addition to Peter who is not exactly, um, what I would call calm in general. He woke up once and it totally scared the shit out of me. He started flailing around and swallowing (because of the tube) and trying to figure out what was going on. The anesthesiologist was actually sitting right there actually so he yelled to the nurse for a somethingorother bolise, loaded up a syringe, and he quickly passed back out. It’s the first time I cried.
3:30- And now we are safely ensconced in the ICU and everyone is really nice and Rinat seems to be doing really well. They are just going to keep an eye on him and make sure it stays that way. They are moving him into a bigger bed while we wait here. I guess I’ll send Peter out in a while for supplies. I am not anticipating any news anytime soon, but I’ll update here when there is anything new to report. We’ll let you know.
7:00pm- Not really anything new to tell you. Ann is helping us keep our sanity and it's nice to have another person here who has no qulams about charging up to the nurse's station and telling them to come attend to him. Peter, as you might guess, is just a little freaked out about the whole thing. Rin keeps coming out of his sedation and flailing around which is scary but otherwise he just lies there looking like he's sleeping peacefully. His vitals are fine and they are thinking they will try and extebate him in the morning (take out the breathing tube). They will have to wake him up for a while before they do it though to make sure he's ready to breathe on his own. Talk about flailing- they're going to need an entire team to hold him still and keep him from pulling out all the things he's hooked up to. I don't anticipate that it will be a whole lot of fun but I'm telling you that the sound of him screaming will be the sweetest sound I've ever heard. You may be able to hear it all the way from where you are. Oh, Peter just poked his head in here (the parents lounge) to tell me that he's flailing so much that the may take it out tonight. Listen for that Kazakh war cry! And thank you all for the sweet comments so far. Rinat and we are so lucky. Love to all. -m
10:15pm- So Ann, Matt, and Peter are still here hanging out with me but I think they are going to pack it up for the night while I stay here and hold down the fort. Rin is still doing well. They finally got him to stay asleep but then his blood pressure dropped so they are going to drop down the meds to try and bring his pressure back up so I hope they will soon find a happy medium and I can catch at least a few minutes of sleep tonight. We shall see. In any case, they are thinking they will try and take him off the tube in the morning (they decided not to tonight) so Peter's headed back here first thing so he won't miss the excitement. We'll let you know how it goes! -m
**11:00- So the operating doctor just came in and said that he doing well and is sedated and will remain that way for 24 hours and they will send blood to the lab every six hours so that they can make sure that the toxins are getting flushed out and his body is getting back to normal and they will keep the tube in for this time too. Poor sweet baby. And now we are waiting for the anesthesia to wear off before they come and get us to be with him and they are checking him into the Pediatric ICU in the meantime. We will stay with him all day and I guess I’ll send Peter home at some point to get me some clothes and toothbrush so I can spend the night. And maybe some food if ever feel like eating again- right now it is most definitely NOT an option. I feel like something bad might happen if I tried to eat. Sooo… that’s where we are as of now. I will update at the bottom of this post as we find out more and finally get to see our little pumpkin. Love to you all. –m ps the cherry blossoms are amazing right now. Check ‘em out online or call in sick to work- they won’t last long!
11:45- Still waiting. Our nurse just went and checked on him and he seems to be doing fine. There are still 2 anesthesiologists in there to monitor him and a respiratory doctor too. At least he's been well looked after. As are we.
2:45- So we just spent a couple of hours down in the recovery room with Rin waiting for a room to open up in the ICU. Now one is open so I am waiting for them to transfer him and get him all set up so I can sit with him again. Sweet sweet Ann has driven up from Richmond to be with us and help if she can. It is so nice to have a calming presence in addition to Peter who is not exactly, um, what I would call calm in general. He woke up once and it totally scared the shit out of me. He started flailing around and swallowing (because of the tube) and trying to figure out what was going on. The anesthesiologist was actually sitting right there actually so he yelled to the nurse for a somethingorother bolise, loaded up a syringe, and he quickly passed back out. It’s the first time I cried.
3:30- And now we are safely ensconced in the ICU and everyone is really nice and Rinat seems to be doing really well. They are just going to keep an eye on him and make sure it stays that way. They are moving him into a bigger bed while we wait here. I guess I’ll send Peter out in a while for supplies. I am not anticipating any news anytime soon, but I’ll update here when there is anything new to report. We’ll let you know.
7:00pm- Not really anything new to tell you. Ann is helping us keep our sanity and it's nice to have another person here who has no qulams about charging up to the nurse's station and telling them to come attend to him. Peter, as you might guess, is just a little freaked out about the whole thing. Rin keeps coming out of his sedation and flailing around which is scary but otherwise he just lies there looking like he's sleeping peacefully. His vitals are fine and they are thinking they will try and extebate him in the morning (take out the breathing tube). They will have to wake him up for a while before they do it though to make sure he's ready to breathe on his own. Talk about flailing- they're going to need an entire team to hold him still and keep him from pulling out all the things he's hooked up to. I don't anticipate that it will be a whole lot of fun but I'm telling you that the sound of him screaming will be the sweetest sound I've ever heard. You may be able to hear it all the way from where you are. Oh, Peter just poked his head in here (the parents lounge) to tell me that he's flailing so much that the may take it out tonight. Listen for that Kazakh war cry! And thank you all for the sweet comments so far. Rinat and we are so lucky. Love to all. -m
10:15pm- So Ann, Matt, and Peter are still here hanging out with me but I think they are going to pack it up for the night while I stay here and hold down the fort. Rin is still doing well. They finally got him to stay asleep but then his blood pressure dropped so they are going to drop down the meds to try and bring his pressure back up so I hope they will soon find a happy medium and I can catch at least a few minutes of sleep tonight. We shall see. In any case, they are thinking they will try and take him off the tube in the morning (they decided not to tonight) so Peter's headed back here first thing so he won't miss the excitement. We'll let you know how it goes! -m
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter, Vistors & an Adoption Freak-out
Sunday, March 9, 2008
ER- and no I'm not talking about the TV show

Hi all- As I lay awake at 3am this morning, I decided to just give it up and head downstairs hoping that would help me shake my insomnia and I got a very timely email from one of our Kaz friends. It was called “25 reasons I owe my mother.” It was a humorous email but it just got me thinking about how Rinat owes me big time already. Here’s the story: He was not himself on Tues and I thought maybe he hadn’t slept well because of diaper rash (what’s new?) and let it go. I was not feeling well myself (I now have the full blown flu) and thought he’d be just fine with a little time and some extra rest. But then he fell asleep, naked, in my lap after I gave him a morning bath and slept for 2 whole hours which is totally unlike him. Then he refused to eat dinner which is even more unlike him. This boy never ever misses a meal! Well, it turns out that he had a bit of a temperature so I gave him some Motrin and decided to put him in bed with me so I could keep an eye on him. It didn’t seem any higher than when he got 4 shots at the doctor the previous week, but it just made me a little nervous since I did not know the cause. Sure enough, at about 1am, he rolled over and put his head on my belly and he was BURNING UP. I mean, so hot that I expected to see wavy air above his body like you see above the asphalt on a July day in Texas. I gave him more Motrin, hoping it would bring down his temp, but almost an hour later it had actually gotten worse and was now over 104. So we packed a bag full of everything we might need for a couple days at the hospital and headed to Georgetown to see if they could figure out what was wrong with him. There was, thankfully, no wait and they got to us right away. The nurses, other patients, and especially the security guard were really nice and helped out as much as they could. Long story short- after more than 6 hours of poking and prodding and tests that included IV’s into his tiny little arm and pee-collector bags over his privates, lots of screaming, and no sleep for any of us, it turns out that our little sweet pea has an ear infection. I am very glad that we packed it up and went to the ER even though it turns out that it was not anything major, but boy are we exhausted! I think I got about 5 hours of sleep in the last two and a half days. I check on Rinat about every hour and of course any little noise that he makes in his sleep brings me to my feet in a millisecond. Ahh, what we do for the ones we love… I hope you are all happy and healthy! -m
Friday, February 1, 2008
Another month with our guy
Monday, January 28, 2008
Our Toddling Boy
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