Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sorry to Keep You in Suspense

Hello everyone-
I am so sorry to keep you all in such suspense.  But it's going to have to go on for quite a bit longer.  Sorry.  If you have adopted from Kaz, you know how it goes "Don't tell anyone anything" is what you hear at every turn.  Don't talk to other adoptive parents.  Don't talk in front of other translators.  Basically, don't speak about the one thing you are there for.  And I hate to say it but we are going to have to follow their rules.  Let me just say that you should not worry, we are fine and we have a plan.  I won't be putting any details up on the blog for a good long while please do check back if you want to see how it all ends up.  So, again, sorry to just leave you hanging but it won't go on forever.  I'll be back soon.
Love to all, -m
And if you know me in real life send me an email and I can give you the lowdown!  Good stuff!


John & Jenny Morgan said...

I am glad things are finally moving along. I wish you all the best and look forward to an update, whenever you feel comfortable sharing it. Good luck!

Mishelle said...

Best of luck!! I'm glad to hear that things are moving forward and I'll look forward to your update whenever it comes.

China Dreams said...

OGDO CLKU-code for good luck. Given your high secrecy rating, you probably figured it out right away!

Unknown said...

Maren -
Keaton, McKenna, Ted and I are eager to hear how this tale ends. Please tell Rinat that Keaton's asking about him and willing to share his toys again as soon as you're back. Hang in there and know that you're in our prayers.

Dean and Janie said...

Bummer! :)
But completely understood! May all go well with your adoption!

Karen, Glenn, Allie, Max, and Sam said...

Thinking of you tons and sending lots of positive vibes!!!!

Kim, Joe and Ava Monmonier said...

Hi Maren,

I don't know if you remember me but we have talked a few times. We are originally from Balt. and now live in SC. I hope everything is ok and going well for you. We are here in Karaganda right now as well. My email is Take Care.

Susan said...

oh my gosh, I am so behind the times!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! I understand the secrecy, but i am still DYING! :)


Allyson said...

I keep checking back to see if there are any updates... I am so excited for you and your family. Sending good thoughts...

Judie Cleland said...

Hi Maren and Peter, I have been following your blog recently and followed your first one with Rinat. I'm one of those friends Geri informed in Lynchburg. I was delighted tonight when you had posted again. Hope things are moving along smoothly for you and that you will be able to share more soon.
Judie C,