Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Finally We Go

Hey all-
This whole trip is just sit around and go go go!  After waiting and waiting and waiting some more.  All day long.  AGAIN.  We called Oxana in the afternoon to try and figure out what the deal is.  She hears back from Natasha that she is still waiting for the paper but she'll come over after 6 when they are closed for business to talk to us.  So we decide that we have a few hours to finally get out of the house since we know nothing is going to happen today anyway.  We take Rinat outside to enjoy the beautiful 65 degree day and he digs in the sandbox and goes down the slide while we talk about exactly how long we can just sit here and wait before we have to give up and go home.  We pick leaves to do rubbings with and then meander back upstairs when Rin feels that he is sufficiently covered in the world famous (not really but it should be) Karaganda dust.  We walk in and the phone is ringing (It's ringing!  It's ringing!) and it is Oxana who is so desperate to find us that she says she found Peter on Facebook and sent him a message.  She says to get ready and Sasha will pick us up in 10 minutes to go to the baby house.  Halle-friggin-luia!  So we throw on clean clothes, drive over, and run run run down the halls of the baby house to the director's office and meet a variety of people (nothing involves just one person here- there were 8 of us in there) and then they usher in a baby.  I am not going to give details for probably a few days but lets just say that there is finally a possibility.  The fist around my heart has losened its grip and I can finally breathe again.  Aaahhhh.
Love to all and more details when we can,  -m 
And, fyi, my aol email hasn't been working well today so sorry if you sent something and I don't respond.  Hopefully it'll be back tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Crossing my fingers for you all!


PS_you need to ditch aol email STAT. Go to gmail. 'Tis the 21st century, after all!

Jennifer said...

Promising news is wonderful news at this point! Cautiously optiistic for you, but finally exhaling!

Carson said...

WHAWHOOOOOOOOOO!!! That is awesome! Can not wait to hear when you can!!!!

I just sent you and aol message but i guess you will get that later.


The Robeys said...

Glad to hear there is a child of interest. Looking forward to hopefully hearing more good news!

tac said...


Looking forward to hear more ....

Our Family of Bloggers said...

Positive news is fantastic!!! Been thinking about you guys constantly.
Can't wait to hear more when you are ready to share.

Sherry W said...

Maren - What wonderful news. You guys have been on our minds all week. Sending positive vibes your way - and hope you all are recovering! I can't wait to hear more about this baby! Keep the faith.

Unknown said...

That darkness I mentioned is starting to lift.......the sun is GOING TO SHINE THROUGH !!!
Something postive, beautiful, and wonderful is going to come out of all of this.....Stay the course !!!
Hopefully, you are almost there :)
Love you......tell Rin Granddaddy said hi.......Nana sends her love also..

Ann said...

Waiting with bated breath!!! Hope everything goes smoothly from here on!!!

Auntie Ann

Unknown said...

Positive thinking!!! Praying for you guysand sending you lots of ++++++ enerygy your way!!!!
