As you know, we moved out of our beloved DC and into the suburbs and life is just a bit easier out here. No mile long lines at the grocery store, no driving around the block twice before finding a parking spot to drop Rin at preschool, no drunk people walking home from Metro at 2am in front of our house. Like I said, pretty easy compared to our life in DC. One of the things that we loved about this house was proximity to the jogging paths that run throughout the city. Most are wooded and it is heaven for a couple of nature loving boys.
And there is festival after festival out here. I think we’ve been to four this summer and it just keeps coming. Can you say scary face painting? Yeah, no butterflies or unicorns here, it’s green faced superheroes. And now we are into Fall festivals. It is festival insanity! There was a Taste of Reston Festival, Reston Festival, Asian Festival, International Festival, and those are just the ones I know of. It’s so kid friendly out here. We have made several trips out to Woody’s Putt Putt with Rin. He doesn’t exactly play it but more like he gives it a go and if he makes it, fine, and if not, that’s fine too. It’s all about the experience rather than the number on the scorecard when you’re four. And should be when you’re 34 as far as I’m concerned.
We celebrated knowing Rin for four whole years with cupcakes this year. A little more subdued than last year but full of love nonetheless. And what could be better than cupcakes with the people you love the most?
This has been a blazing hot summer and so when Rinat asked one day “Hey Mommy? Can we go explore a cave one day?” my answer was an enthusiastic ‘yes!’ We headed up to Luray Caverns and it was a wonderful day excursion for us. We got out into the hilly part of the state and drove wind-y roads. It wasn’t far but it was far enough to feel like we went somewhere. And the cave itself was kind of amazing. And nice and cool too. Of course poor Peter was sweating his pants off hauling that stroller a million miles down the stairs to the underground but it was worth it. Even Bek thought it was amazing and didn’t even cry like I thought he would. He’s still pretty unsure in new situations but he’s getting better by the day. I like to measure the success of any outing by how tired the kids are after it's all over. I'd count this as a rousing success. These darling kids wore themselves OUT as you can see. It was a very quiet ride home for us grownups. .
And, because me and hot don’t get along so well, we’ve spent a decent amount of time at the pool. Rin took a few weeks of swim lessons and is getting more comfortable with the water. It’s hard though because they don’t allow floaties or life jackets except at lessons so he tends to just hang on me. Bek, however, is a whole different story. He could float and float for hours. He will stick his little head in the water for what seems like forever holding his breath like a champ. He’s going to be the little fish in the family I think. Must be all that fat that makes him float- HaHa.
And other than that, we’ve just been hanging out and enjoying life. Rin and Bek continue to get along like peas and carrots. I don’t know why I like that saying but it just fits them. But wait- is Rin the pea or is Bek? Hmmm… They laugh and laugh and roll around on the floor and laugh some more.
I have about a million more little pieces of paper tucked away inside my desk and a million more stories to tell of the adventures of the sweetest boys on earth. But that’s for another day. I am out of time (the boys are pounding the table and shouting for dinner) and out of space (Blogger only allows 20 photos per post). So I’ll see you next time!
Love to all, -m
1 comment:
Oh how I've been waiting for a new post!!! LOVE the photos of my babies, and I LOVE the fact that I got to spend time with them at Matt's wedding!!! Hugs and kisses from Auntie Ann!!!
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