Every little boy's dream- waking up to our city blanketed in white. At Christmas time no less. I have to admit, I was pretty excited myself. So much that I went upstairs and got him out of bed to show him the first flakes as they began to come down on Friday night. I think he had been waiting up for it. So had I. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Monday, December 21, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Paperchase and Conferences

And what we still need to do:
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
So this morning after I dropped Rin off at school, I went over to the new house to unpack the adoption papers that were in storage while our house was on the market. I used the info from them to help me fill out the application for Korea and got it ready to send in this week. I was really sad about putting the Kaz adoption to rest and kept telling myself “This is the right decision for us. This is what’s best.” Time got away from me as I was sucked into my sadness and reliving Rin’s adoption, and I looked up to realize that I was late to pick him up from school for the first time since he started. So I rushed out the door to his school and rushed home to get him some lunch. Right as I sat down to eat with him, my phone rang and though I don’t normally answer numbers that I don’t recognize (and especially not during his lunch) I pushed the talk button before I realized it. I would never have guessed that it was the person at the other end who it ended up being. It was our caseworker from the Kaz program that we had not yet resigned from (it was on my To Do List). She said that a bunch of people had dropped out of the program and we had moved up quickly and wanted to know if we were still interested (?) and if we could have the dossier in next month (!) to travel sometime this summer (!!!!). OH MY GOSH! It took me completely off guard. I didn’t really know what to say. I had sort of made peace with the fact that it was no longer an option for us but now this. I told her that I would talk to Peter and call her back. Before I could even finish telling him what she had told me, he broke into what I was saying and told me “Absolutely. Tell her we’re in.” So off we go. Kaz is back on! OhMyGoshOhMyGoshOhMyGoshOhMyGosh -m
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Paka Paka House, Annyeong Haseyo Baby
Gosh I love fall around here. I grew up in Texas where the seasons are hot, and less hot. But here in DC we’ve got all four and I love it. There’s nothing like driving through Rock Creek Park and seeing a tunnel of yellow- trees bending above and leaves that have dropped below literally glowing with color all the way around. It renews me after the long, hot summer that we have here. It’s so beautiful. Rin and I have been going on leaf walks and collecting the best ones. They must be doing the same at school because he brought home a beautiful leaf rubbing for us the other day. His teacher was very proud that he did it all by himself. And what else have we been up to? Well, Rinat has been a student for two months now and he still loves going every morning. We’ve had only one time when he said “I no want go today” because, in typical little boy fashion, he was lying on the floor lining up all his trains on the track and wasn’t quite done yet. That was easily remedied when I told him that Miss Stacy would be sad if she didn’t get to see him today and he was suddenly ready to go. And picking him up just never gets old. He comes running, arms open, with a big smile on his face, and a “Hi Mama!” out of his mouth. And then I ask him if school was good today and he gets this little smile on his face like he has a happy little secret and he recounts how he pretended to be a dinosaur and chased Lilli Rose around the park until she laughed, or shows me a drawing he made for us and tells me again that the red crayon is his favorite, or tells me that Miss Bentah read a book with him on the beanbag. So cute. But it’s still weird that he has a life outside of me. And even weirder that I now have a life outside of him again. The other day I had a total ‘mommy moment’. I was jogging around the neighborhood with my IPod while he was in school, when on came the song titled “sing” by- get this- Big Bird. I started laughing and thought about the smile it puts on his little face when I play it at lunchtime and just left it on. So whatever, I’m working out to Big Bird now. At least I’m working out, right? So he’s never far from my mind no matter that he’s at school learning songs about the continents (!!) and that a rocket ship crashed into the moon last week to find water (I didn’t even know that). And he is still singing non-stop. Old MacDonald is a favorite but instead of only animals on his farm that make noises, he has robots that say beepbeep, an Obama flag (that’s what he calls it) that says flapflap, a spider that goes walkingwalking, or a pants that go wearingwearing. There’s always a new one that he comes up with just to make me laugh. He has also been into rhyming words for some reason. Don’t know if they talk about it at school or if he is just getting it from TV but sometimes he’s accurate- grapes and crepes- and sometimes not- cat and dog. It’s cute that he’s trying though. And he has started ‘writing’ things now- grocery lists, his name, and several letters to Santa (he wants a football helmet and a jackhammer so far). I think it’s great that he realizes that writing is a way to communicate something. Maybe he’ll be a writer when he grows up? Only time will tell. But for now, here are some things that I love and just want to get down on (virtual) paper- the freckles he has above his lip and on the back of his hand, the look that he gets when he’s pretending to ponder something, the way he gives me my choices of what game with should play as he taps his little finger into the palm of his other hand as he names them- “We could play basketball(tap)… or football(tap)… or hockeyball(tap).... And his language skills are rapidly approaching adult-like so I don’t want to forget some of the cute-ness of toddler speak where ‘too-bin-hater’=exterminator, ‘koo-kumbah-kumbah’=cucumber, and ‘peh-keh-cake’=pancake. I will be sad when I don’t hear those anymore. And now for the big stuff. We will be moving out of our dear house this week and while I am sad to say paka paka (byebye) to the place where we started our family, I am happy to be saying annyeong haseyo (hello) to changing countries and starting on our adoption in Korea. Yup, we made the decision a few months ago to change countries and have been waiting until we had a new address to start all that paperwork over again. ETA for baby #2 (by my random calculation) is 9-18 months. But I’m not counting my chickens… Happy Fall! -m
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
He's a Big Boy Now
Saturday, September 5, 2009
A Delayed Post
It’s been a while I know. We have been busy but not with anything super exciting- just little piddly stuff. Our guy is just growing and growing and becoming such a little person. He can do a whole host of things on his own now- get himself dressed (shirt included!- when he feels like it), get a snack, go to the bathroom. It’s amazing. This was the scene about a month or so ago when I was teaching him to come downstairs after he was done napping rather than me going up to get him. He woke up and yelled for me as usual which I ignored thinking he would just come down when he got tired of yelling. This goes on for a while until it is suddenly quiet and I assume he’s on his way down. I then hear a flush and the door to his room close again. I go up to see what he’s up to and he tells me ‘natnat take diapie off, put in diapie trash, go poopyballs, wipe bottom, flush, put on pants and play’ (notice there’s nothing about washing hands in that exchange- nice). I can’t believe he can do all that at the age when most little boys are just trying out potty training. But he’s not totally grown yet. It’s crazy- one minute he’s completely independent and insisting that he do things himself and then the next, he is running to me telling me ‘I need hugs Mama’ when he has trouble hitting the golf ball or gets both legs stuck in one leg-hole of his underwear and falls over when he tries to walk (and I try not to laugh). I’m still needed sometimes at least! He is most definitely at that age when he can do so much and gets really upset when he can’t do exactly what it is that he wants to do. When he is sobbing so hard that he can barely catch his breath, I tell him “Take a big breath and blow out the candle” and after a couple of those, he is finally calm enough to tell me what’s wrong. And of course whatever loves I give out come back to me tenfold. When I get upset he tells me “Don’t worry Mama, I make you feel better” and gives me the biggest, squishiest hug and doesn’t let go until I smile. Is there anything better? And he does the same thing for his best friend Bubby. I can’t even tell you how many times I overhear a conversation he is having in the other room and he says "Don’t worry, Boo Bubby. I hep you.” I hope that means I am raising a helpful and compassionate little guy. Other than that, he’s just really funny sometimes. He got a new shark toy for the bath and we would say the Jaws theme as we pretended it was going to attach him and he kept asking “Why you say dat, Mama?” I finally realized after literally weeks of him asking my why, that he thought we were saying ‘DO-NUT…DO-NUT…donutdonutdonutdonut’ and it was only when he informed me that sharks really like donuts and I put two and two together. It’s so funny what they hear. Hope all’s well with you. More soon. -m
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Visit from the Binky Fairy
Oh, and here are photos of the Astana Crew in 2007 and then in Nashville in 2009. What a difference 2 years makes. I hope there are many more of these photos in the coming years. Yay Astana!

Monday, June 8, 2009
Kazapalooza 2009- Nashville
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Happy Day
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Not so Terrible Two's
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
No More Cookies for Mama
Friday, February 20, 2009
Poo for Pie + Preschool
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Lucky in Love
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