Friday, February 20, 2009

Poo for Pie + Preschool

Hi All- So, I know that everyone thinks that their child is the most amazing, smart, and adorable kid in the world and it should definitely be that way. But I think we truly hit the jackpot with our little guy. We started potty training last Friday (yup, the day of his preschool interview) and today he was totally and completely accident free (yesterday there was only 1 slipup and it was right before he hit the bath so does it really count?). I mean, really, does it usually happen this quickly? What was I so worried about? To celebrate his first poo in the potty, we baked an apple pie. And I told him that he got his new big boy toothbrushes (Pooh) because he was wearing big boy undies and telling me that he needs to go peepee without me having to ask. It’s so cute because he’ll stop what he’s doing and freeze for a second, and then say “Potty Mama!” and start running towards the bathroom while yelling “Run! Run! Potty, Mama! Run Potty!” and looking behind him to make sure I’m following. I think he’s pretty excited to be a big boy now although it makes me sad. I actually teared up the first time he went all on his own. But back to the brilliance that is our little man. We also got a call from the preschool today and they offered Rinat a place in next year’s class. And, without prompting from me (I swear!), the director went on to explain that he was ‘an extraordinary child’ and went into detail about some of the things that he had done when he was there for his visit that showed his amazing intelligence. I, of course, agreed but allowed that I was just a little biased but he said “You’re not biased, he’s actually very smart. You better watch out because you have a little scholar on your hands.” So now the pressure is on to make sure we can keep him challenged. And now that he is into a good preschool, I can start obsessing about elementary school. Argh. Will it ever stop? My guess is no. But really, he is the most amazing, smart, and adorable kid in the world. Now I can say it for sure since it has been corroborated by an unbiased source :-) Love to all -m


Ann said...

yay!!! i knew he was the smartest child ever... now it's been confirmed by an expert! can't wait to see him next weekend... though i'm sorry you won't be joining the boys!!! have fun with carson!!!


Unknown said...

I am so impressed! How exciting learning to go potty can be. I remember when Mom and Dad were potty-training me - they put me in the bathtub one night for my nightly bath, and I got so confused. I thought it was a giant toilet, and I went #2. Needless to say, Geri was not pleased ... It seems that my nephew has outdone me in the intellect department.

Congratulations on getting in to preschool and for the awesome commendation from the director!

Auntie Kate

geri said...

I've been telling everyone all along that you two could not have produced a child as smart or as beautiful...his intellectual nurturing is in good hands with you, Maren, and Peter'll take care of the balance that he will need in his lucky, lovely life. Yeah for Rinat!

Maegan and Tony Van Sant said...

Hey! Congrats on having a potty trained boy! We are starting to train Tay today... any tips?! Thanks!

Maegan and Tony and Taylor

Jaimie, Gena and Berik said...

You did hit the jackpot!! A potty trained 2 yr old, I am sending Berik to you as he can't quit master this and he will be 3 in a month. Didn'
t you use CAI? If so write me at because we are in touch with Gulasana, most recently today. Gena

Susan said...

yay Rinat! cute AND smart! That is awesome he caught on so son was 3 until he was potty trained. Now, Leeza, I bet she will be trained by 2, but these Kaz kids are pretty brilliant (not to slight my son, he's brilliant too..)

That is awesome to have his mensa genius status confirmed. :)

What's going on the quest for his sister? :)