Friday, September 19, 2008


You all may have a Nintendo Wii at your house but we have a whole different kind of Wii. It is the new fort that we bought Rin for the anniversary of the day we met and he calls it The WHHHHHEEEEE! It’s really cute because he will go to the door and say “Mama, wheee! Mama, WHEEE!!!” when he wants to go outside and play on it. It has a sandbox which we loaded up with a digger truck and all kinds of shovels and buckets, a climbing wall, a ladder, a covered part, and a slide. He loves it and it has led to many a screaming meltdown when it’s time to say goodbye to the ‘whee’ and go inside. We also have had men working on our house lately and so he has become completely obsessed with tools- screwdrivers in particular. He likes to take a toy and turn off the power switch and then proclaim “Uh-oh, Mama, babbie” and try to use the screwdriver to take off the back and change the battery. He is always doing something that is so grown up and I can’t believe that he was a baby just one short year ago. I remember last September 8th when we got home from Kaz. Our first night home, after everyone had left and Rinat and Peter were asleep, I remember wandering around the house with just a feeling of finally being fulfilled. All was right in the world and our journey was finally over- not just the trip to Kaz but our journey that started years ago to make a family. And I still find myself, late at night, listening to the sound of quiet and thinking the same thing. All is right in the world- I have a wonderful husband, a whip of a son, and couldn’t be happier at what my life has turned into. I hope all is well in your world. -m


Sandi said...

I love checking in to see how everyone is doing. Man Rinat is growing up, he is so cute and such a boy. So happy that a year has passed and things just continue getting better.

I hope your plans for number 2 are still moving forward, I know alot has changed with Kaz but I think that once they iron out there new rules things will go smooth.


junglemama said...

What a great post. I love your story about walking around the home and feeling fulfilled.