Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rinat's Hospital Visit

*10:15- So here are the scariest words that a parent can hear from the doctor operating on her son as he walks into the room after several hours in the OR- “I need to talk to you”. Yup, his easy little no-big-deal surgery has turned out to be a much scarier experience than we had anticipated. I got all dressed up in scrubs and was in the room when they put him to sleep. I kissed him and told him I’d see him soon and I was confident that it would be quick and easy. Then the doctor walked me back to his little room in the ped surgery area and told me he’d come get me again in about an hour or hour and a half. I, of course, started checking my watch every 5 minutes starting at the hour mark. Then every 30 seconds after the 90 minute mark. And after then I was too freaked out to even read my book or do anything but stare at the wall and worry about all of the things that could be going wrong. And after almost 2 hours the anesthesiologist walked in and said those dreaded words. He told me that our sweet little baby had a reaction to the anesthesia called Malignant Hyperthermia (well, he said it was probably this). This typically presents itself as a high level of CO2, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia (is that the same thing?), high blood pressure, and finally muscle rigidity and it can ultimately result in death. Yes, DEATH. My heart stopped for a second until he assured me that the latter had not happened. Just thinking about the possibility makes me want to throw something at the wall as I sit here waiting. I just focused on this fact as he began to tell me what happened. Rin had actually only one of the symptoms of this reaction- according to the doctor, he had a very very very high level of carbon dioxide that he could not bring down via hand-pumping oxygen into him. So they had to remove the small tube that they had inserted for the surgery and intebate him with a large tube. And I think maybe they gave him some drug too but my memory is kind of hazy since my mind was going a mile a minute. It is really rare to have this reaction so the anesthesiologist is calling NIH to seek their advice on how best to treat him- I think they have some kind of national database or something.

**11:00- So the operating doctor just came in and said that he doing well and is sedated and will remain that way for 24 hours and they will send blood to the lab every six hours so that they can make sure that the toxins are getting flushed out and his body is getting back to normal and they will keep the tube in for this time too. Poor sweet baby. And now we are waiting for the anesthesia to wear off before they come and get us to be with him and they are checking him into the Pediatric ICU in the meantime. We will stay with him all day and I guess I’ll send Peter home at some point to get me some clothes and toothbrush so I can spend the night. And maybe some food if ever feel like eating again- right now it is most definitely NOT an option. I feel like something bad might happen if I tried to eat. Sooo… that’s where we are as of now. I will update at the bottom of this post as we find out more and finally get to see our little pumpkin. Love to you all. –m ps the cherry blossoms are amazing right now. Check ‘em out online or call in sick to work- they won’t last long!

11:45- Still waiting. Our nurse just went and checked on him and he seems to be doing fine. There are still 2 anesthesiologists in there to monitor him and a respiratory doctor too. At least he's been well looked after. As are we.

2:45- So we just spent a couple of hours down in the recovery room with Rin waiting for a room to open up in the ICU. Now one is open so I am waiting for them to transfer him and get him all set up so I can sit with him again. Sweet sweet Ann has driven up from Richmond to be with us and help if she can. It is so nice to have a calming presence in addition to Peter who is not exactly, um, what I would call calm in general. He woke up once and it totally scared the shit out of me. He started flailing around and swallowing (because of the tube) and trying to figure out what was going on. The anesthesiologist was actually sitting right there actually so he yelled to the nurse for a somethingorother bolise, loaded up a syringe, and he quickly passed back out. It’s the first time I cried.

3:30- And now we are safely ensconced in the ICU and everyone is really nice and Rinat seems to be doing really well. They are just going to keep an eye on him and make sure it stays that way. They are moving him into a bigger bed while we wait here. I guess I’ll send Peter out in a while for supplies. I am not anticipating any news anytime soon, but I’ll update here when there is anything new to report. We’ll let you know.

7:00pm- Not really anything new to tell you. Ann is helping us keep our sanity and it's nice to have another person here who has no qulams about charging up to the nurse's station and telling them to come attend to him. Peter, as you might guess, is just a little freaked out about the whole thing. Rin keeps coming out of his sedation and flailing around which is scary but otherwise he just lies there looking like he's sleeping peacefully. His vitals are fine and they are thinking they will try and extebate him in the morning (take out the breathing tube). They will have to wake him up for a while before they do it though to make sure he's ready to breathe on his own. Talk about flailing- they're going to need an entire team to hold him still and keep him from pulling out all the things he's hooked up to. I don't anticipate that it will be a whole lot of fun but I'm telling you that the sound of him screaming will be the sweetest sound I've ever heard. You may be able to hear it all the way from where you are. Oh, Peter just poked his head in here (the parents lounge) to tell me that he's flailing so much that the may take it out tonight. Listen for that Kazakh war cry! And thank you all for the sweet comments so far. Rinat and we are so lucky. Love to all. -m
10:15pm- So Ann, Matt, and Peter are still here hanging out with me but I think they are going to pack it up for the night while I stay here and hold down the fort. Rin is still doing well. They finally got him to stay asleep but then his blood pressure dropped so they are going to drop down the meds to try and bring his pressure back up so I hope they will soon find a happy medium and I can catch at least a few minutes of sleep tonight. We shall see. In any case, they are thinking they will try and take him off the tube in the morning (they decided not to tonight) so Peter's headed back here first thing so he won't miss the excitement. We'll let you know how it goes! -m


Anonymous said...

I'm sending prayers your way right now! Ann's keeping me posted via text message. Nothing but positive thoughts to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sending prayers your way right now! Ann's keeping me posted via text message. Nothing but positive thoughts to you!

Katherine said...

I'm thinking of you, Petie, and the precious little pumpkin right now. I hope that everything is calming down and that he does ok with his recovery. Hang in there. I love you all!

Auntie Kate

Katherine said...

I'm thinking of you, Petie, and the precious little pumpkin right now. I hope that everything is calming down and that he does ok with his recovery. Hang in there. I love you all!

Auntie Kate

Anonymous said...

I am speechless. I may go by your house and get your stuff and bring it to you right now. Anything you need we are here. Mer

Carson said...

Oh my god! I am shocked and just praying and thinking of you all. Poor Rin....I know this must be so hard on you all. I am just so sorry. Please keep me posted and know that i am thinking of you all.

I love you all and am just sitting here waiting to hear that he is in your arms again and telling you all the animal noises.

Love and hugs

Carson said...

Oh my god! I am shocked and just praying and thinking of you all. Poor Rin....I know this must be so hard on you all. I am just so sorry. Please keep me posted and know that i am thinking of you all.

I love you all and am just sitting here waiting to hear that he is in your arms again and telling you all the animal noises.

Love and hugs

Jen said...

Hey guys -- we're thinking about you. I'm home, so if you need anything from your house, don't hesitate to call me. I can run over and feed the cat, or pack you a bag. Love ya. xoxo Jen

Jen said...

Hey guys -- we're thinking about you. I'm home, so if you need anything from your house, don't hesitate to call me. I can run over and feed the cat, or pack you a bag. Love ya. xoxo Jen

Jen & Marshall said...

Oh my goodness. I check in with your blog every now and then and today - of all days. Oh you poor things. We are sending our prayers and will be thinking of you all constantly. What a scary thing - beyond. We don't know you except in blogland, but we are totally praying for you and your little one.

Jen & Marshall said...

Oh my goodness. I check in with your blog every now and then and today - of all days. Oh you poor things. We are sending our prayers and will be thinking of you all constantly. What a scary thing - beyond. We don't know you except in blogland, but we are totally praying for you and your little one.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there little Rinat. We are praying for you and your mommy and daddy.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there little Rinat. We are praying for you and your mommy and daddy.

Carson said...


Just checking in on you all to see his progress. You sound so calm...

Call if you need me I am checking on you all constantly.

Love ya

Carson said...


Just checking in on you all to see his progress. You sound so calm...

Call if you need me I am checking on you all constantly.

Love ya

Jen said...

Hey there -- I'm going to be at the hospital tomorrow for a prenatal check at 11:15. Let me know if I can bring anything to you while I'm there, or if you just want some company. xoxoxo Jen

Jen said...

Hey there -- I'm going to be at the hospital tomorrow for a prenatal check at 11:15. Let me know if I can bring anything to you while I'm there, or if you just want some company. xoxoxo Jen

geri said...

What's the latest? Geri

geri said...

What's the latest? Geri

Anonymous said...

Maren & Peter,
Thanks for filling me in over the phone. It was wonderful to hear how calm and collected you were. Very reassuring. Rinat's grand dad was on the verge of getting pretty worked up.
Take good care of that special little guy. I hope Nancy & I can hear him scream all the way down here in the "noke". It will be a good sign that he is on the mend.
We are saying a prayer for his speedy recovery & some relief for his terrific parents.
Keep us posted when convenient!
Love you both very much,

Anonymous said...

Maren & Peter,
Thanks for filling me in over the phone. It was wonderful to hear how calm and collected you were. Very reassuring. Rinat's grand dad was on the verge of getting pretty worked up.
Take good care of that special little guy. I hope Nancy & I can hear him scream all the way down here in the "noke". It will be a good sign that he is on the mend.
We are saying a prayer for his speedy recovery & some relief for his terrific parents.
Keep us posted when convenient!
Love you both very much,

Susan said...

oh my goodness, I just logged on to check in on your guys...and I am so sorry you are going thru this! How scary!! My prayers are with you and Peter and Rinat. I would not be calm either. I'm glad he's doing better though. How very scary for you guys.

I have followed your blog for so long I feel like I know you guys--even though we've never met.

Big hugs and prayers that they get the tubes out of him before his Kazakh war cry goes into effect and he tries to take them out himself.

{{{{ hugs}}}}

Susan said...

oh my goodness, I just logged on to check in on your guys...and I am so sorry you are going thru this! How scary!! My prayers are with you and Peter and Rinat. I would not be calm either. I'm glad he's doing better though. How very scary for you guys.

I have followed your blog for so long I feel like I know you guys--even though we've never met.

Big hugs and prayers that they get the tubes out of him before his Kazakh war cry goes into effect and he tries to take them out himself.

{{{{ hugs}}}}

Anonymous said...

well it will be a long night for you all. seeing him today was extremely sad for me but seeing how strong he is makes me confident this will be ok. when i picked up C she was asking for Nat Nat. Anything you need just call us. We stopped by to see massie while we were at jen/hadley's. I'm listening for the war cry...Mer

Anonymous said...

well it will be a long night for you all. seeing him today was extremely sad for me but seeing how strong he is makes me confident this will be ok. when i picked up C she was asking for Nat Nat. Anything you need just call us. We stopped by to see massie while we were at jen/hadley's. I'm listening for the war cry...Mer

Sandi said...

Wow, I can not believe that this has happened. I just saw a big article about this exact diagnosis on the Today show, it is very uncommon but they say if it is going to happen it is typically in younger people.

I am praying that everything works out fine and that he gets to come home soon.

I hope you are getting some sleep so you have the energy for your little guy.


Sandi said...

Wow, I can not believe that this has happened. I just saw a big article about this exact diagnosis on the Today show, it is very uncommon but they say if it is going to happen it is typically in younger people.

I am praying that everything works out fine and that he gets to come home soon.

I hope you are getting some sleep so you have the energy for your little guy.


geri said...

How's my boy this morning? And how are you Maren? Did you get any sleep last night? I will be so relieved when you three are out of the hospital and this is behind you...Love, Geri

geri said...

How's my boy this morning? And how are you Maren? Did you get any sleep last night? I will be so relieved when you three are out of the hospital and this is behind you...Love, Geri

Carson said...


Just checking in to see hoe your night was. i hope it went well and that you were able to get a little rest. I am thinking of you all keep us posted.


Carson said...


Just checking in to see hoe your night was. i hope it went well and that you were able to get a little rest. I am thinking of you all keep us posted.


Susan said...

Good morning-checking in to see how Rinat is doing, and how you guys are holding up.
You have so many people who care about you . :)
Even those of who don't you know "in real life"

Susan said...

Good morning-checking in to see how Rinat is doing, and how you guys are holding up.
You have so many people who care about you . :)
Even those of who don't you know "in real life"

Carson said...

Hey- I a war cry..... I think I heard it.....Or was that just Peter?

Love ya

Carson said...

Hey- I a war cry..... I think I heard it.....Or was that just Peter?

Love ya