Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Part 2- And then there was a play

Hi All- 
And then there was a play…

Our mischievous little man was an elf.  How fitting, right?  And he could not have been more excited about it.  He walked around singing all day every day- one of the five songs that they were to perform.  We made a sign,we got costumes, and he practiced practiced practiced.  He had volunteered us to make cookies (which thankfully his teacher filled me in on a day before) and so cookies were baked and decorated appropriately.

And then the big night was upon us.  And it did not disappoint.  The excitement ‘backstage’ was palpable as the kids got dressed up in their costume.  Everyone was on their best behavior for the big night.  Parents were told to take their seats- our Mr Bek was not to happy to leave the fun of all the kids- and we waited patiently for it to begin.  There was the parade of characters through the crowd- Santa of course, the Elves, Betty Beautiful dolls, soldiers and trains.  Rin put the “Shhh” sign to good use to hush the crowd and it began.  It was a succession of songs that we all knew but with different words.  “Jingle Bell Rock” became “Soldier boy, soldier boy, soldier boy march”.  That song that I can't think of the name of that says "Falalalala-la-la-la-la became “Chug-a chug-a chug, chug chug chug chug” and so on.  

And the kids- ranging in age from 3-5- did absolutely wonderful.  Miss Carla said it was the best performance in 15 years.  The only issue was when a couple of the trains crashed into each other as they attempted to chug in a circle and all the parents tried not to laugh at the cutest train wreck ever.  The whole play was just so stinkin’ cute I could barely stand it.  And Bek was entranced as well.  Every time one of the songs ended, he make frantic ‘more’ signs until the next one started.  When it was over we had to bribe him with cookies so he would stop crying that they were done.  And the boys played until we drug them home. 

All in all, it was a complete success and if there had been critic in the audience that night, I am confident that they would have given the play five stars.  Yes, I am biased- but aren't I allowed to be?  
Love to all,  -m


China Dreams said...

They both look happy, handsome, and healthy.

(It's okay to be biased)


Diane said...

How stinkin' cute is that?!!!! They both look fabulous....and Bek seems to have totally enjoyed his cookie!!!

Miss you guys...lets' try to talk soon!

BabyKazfan said...

your pictures are amazing, and i LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!