Hi everyone! I know, I know- long time, no post. Sorry. I don't know what I've been doing... Oh yeah, raising a willful adorable and loud ten month old. It's so fun that I forget that there are other things I should be doing too besides sitting on the floor letting him stick his fingers in my mouth. So things have been going really well with our little sweetie. He has his fourth tooth coming in which makes for some wakeful nights but he's a trooper. And so is Peter who, more often than not, will offer to get up and put him back down so I can sleep. He's the best. Also, our little troublemaker has figured out how to open the sliding doors to the office so we blocked that with an ottoman (until his little arms get long enough to reach the doorway anyway). He figured out how to open the under-the-stairs storage so I blocked that with some dumbbells (until he gets strong enough to lift them). He also figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets so they are now baby(and me)-proofed. And he figured out that the cat sleeps under the bed so it's my daily entertainment to see the face-off between the two of them. Rinat always wins and the cat jumps up to the bed (smart cat, right?) to escape. Poor MassieCat is actually pretty tolerant of Rinat grabbing handfuls of his hair but looks at me while R's attacking him like "Could you do something about this please?" Rinat has gotten pretty good at playing by himself which is fantastic because it means I get to cook again (which I love to do). We have gotten some fantastic fancy toys but our boy's favorite is of course the box and ribbon. He also really likes to hijack a tupperware from the dishwasher and stick it over his face and yell "DADADADADA!!!!" into it at the top of his lungs while sitting under the dining room table. All I can do is laugh. It's so ridiculously cute. And have I mentioned he is obsessed with the bus? Everytime that I am trying to feed him, the bus goes by at least three or four times and he will come close to falling out of his highchair because he's craning his neck to look out the window and watch it stop at the stop sign. I swear that's going to be his first word- not Mama or Dada- but BUS. And, of course, all of the family think he is just as cute as I do. Last week, we had GParents Pete and Nancy visit on Monday, GParents Geri and Lamar on Wed/Thurs, and Cousin Cara+Bfriend and Cousin Kevin on Fri. And we took a superfun trip to the pumpkin patch (complete with hayride) with Mer/Lynd/Caroline on Sunday. It was a good week. This week, we have NO VISITORS at all. I can't believe it. Anyone want to come? The guest room is empty! Until next time... -m