Hi all,
Down with the turkeys, up with the Santas. I don’t love Christmas and the “I wants” that come with it but I do love to decorate and to spend time with family. And I love the buildup to the big day. Making gingerbread houses is fun (almost as fun at eating them) and hanging the stockings and decorating the tree is a good time. And I love the excitement on their faces as we put things up around the house and they talk about Santa (SANTA!!!) coming to our house.

I overheard Rin the other day ask Bek “Bek, what’s the best part of Christmas?” and Bek, of course, answered “Presents!” (What else, right?). Rin corrected him “No Bek, It’s the Christmas spirit and spending time with family.” I’m pretty sure he was just repeating something they talked about at school, but that’s what I think too little RinCakes. I really could do without the multitude of gifts. I would love to just celebrate what we already have- good friends and family, a roof over our heads, and clothes on our backs. All the ‘stuff’ is unnecessary. OK, so it IS fun to get a cute new necklace from Anthropologie in my stocking (Yes, Peter I’m talking to you) but really I think it would be fun to minimize a little bit. Watching them rip through one gift just to get to the next is too much. But I do love to watch my kids’ faces when they open something that they’ve been hoping and wishing and waiting for months to get. It does sort of make the gift buying a little bit fun. But really to me it’s just the extra sparkle everywhere that’s the most fun- the Christmas music on the radio, the decorations along the streets where I shop, and the twinkly lights on peoples’ houses. It makes the world feel a little bit more special for a while.
This year as part of the buildup, we went to see the Nutcracker at the Warner Theatre and Gigi came up to join us. The boys both really enjoyed it (even though Rin fell asleep during the second half poor, exhausted little boy) and Aibek is now completely obsessed with all things Nutcracker. I’m not sure if it was the costumes or the dancing or music or just the excitement of getting to do something new and different but he absolutely lovedit. After we went, he would recognize when they played the music from it on the radio and would tell me, "Dat when da boys dancing in da Nutcackuh" and he was right. I think my guy might have a thing for music. For movie night he wanted to watch any and all Nutcracker movies and Rinat wanted to also (yay!). I just love that my sweet boys enjoy something that I spent so many years loving myself. I remember going to the Dallas Ballet’s version of the Nutcracker when I was young and getting a chance to meet some of the dancers afterwards still in full makeup and costumes and I thought it was the BEST THING EVER. They were just like dolls come to life- like the nutcracker himself. I loved it so much that I decided that I wanted to be one of those dancers. And so I was. I danced in the Nutcracker for maybe 6 or 7 years I think (Mom? Help me out). I started out as one of the Bakers who came out from underneath the giant lady’s skirt, then moved onto being a mean rat, and then a brave fighting soldier. And that’s where my dancing career ended. Sadly, my curves aren’t made for ballet. I am not sure how long my sweet boys will enjoy going to watch the performance but I did love taking them. I could feel my body trying to do the steps as the music played (because, of course, I memorized everyone’s parts during the endless rehearsals). And I remember how exciting it was to hear the orchestra start to play the overture as we got our makeup on back stage. And especially, I remember the moments right before I stepped onstage in front of hundreds of people and the butterflies mixed with excitement. It’s so fun to remember that time in my life. I hope my boys get to do lots of things that both scare and excite them. And I hope that they get to relive them in some way with their children when they are older like my boys have given me.

And now that we had gotten into the Christmas spirit, it was time to get the tree. We knew there was bad weather heading our way and so we quickly headed out before the stand closed to bring home a tree to decorate. And I’m so glad that we did because the next day we woke up to snow falling outside. There was no power for an entire day but I didn’t really mind it. I lit a fire, read a book, played Christmas music on my phone. It was really sorta nice- like a little vacation from real life. I couldn't get anywhere because of the snow and everything was closed anyway so there was no pressure to get anything done. The kids played outside with their friends and I just relaxed. It was nice. And really, there are so few times in my life when I have gotten the picture perfect Christmas scenario or hanging ornaments as it snowed outside that I just really enjoyed it.

My sweet hubs and I got to sneak off for a weekend of rest and relaxation in New Orleans to belatedly celebrate 20 years together (and our 16th anniversary). We wandered around, ate good food (Mmmm… Bananas Foster made especially for Peter at Commander’s Palace), took naps, had no schedule at all to follow, and of course there was the obligatory trip to Café du Monde with good milky coffee and those fabulous fluffy beignets with so much powdered sugar on top you can barely find the beignet underneath. It was a lovely weekend with one of my favorite people. Sometimes I can’t believe that Peter and I are still together. I don’t mean that in a bad way just in an ‘I can’t believe we’re this lucky’ kind of way. Because we are lucky. It’s crazy how life turns out sometimes. In high school, if you had asked me where I thought I would be when I was 40, I never would have imagined that I would be married to the love of my life with two gorgeous boys who came to us from so far away living in the country’s capital. It was so far off my radar. But here I am and here we all are. Who needs a load of Christmas presents when you have perfection? That’s gift enough.

Love to all, -m
And here are some lovely things that I couldn’t figure out how to fit in but I don’t want to forget
*Rinat did air quotes at me
*Bek talks about the sofas in our family room in terms of boats "You get offa my boat!" You get on 'nother boat!"
*He also likes to tell us when he’s mad, “You fired from dis house!” and point to the front door.
*We were reading a book about belly buttons and I asked to see Bek's and he answered, "It's closed for business." Too funny.
*The boys came up with a secret brother handshake that I wasn’t allowed to see. Adorable.