Hi Everyone-
Do you ever have one of those conversations with someone and afterwards you keep running through it in your mind thinking of all of the things you could have said or should have said but didn’t? Well, I feel a little bit like that tonight. We are so fortunate to live in DC and have the opportunity to be where decisions are made and things happen and this afternoon we got to be a part of something very dear to my heart. A delegation from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan came to the US to talk about international adoption and we got the chance to meet with them. Yes, little old us. Included in this group were many officials from both countries, representatives from JCICS, as well as several adoptive families from both Kaz and Kyrgyz. We were honored to be one of those families to serve as an example of what it looks like when adoption goes right and besides getting to meet some really great people I was so happy to try and make a difference in the lives of children that are still without families in those countries. When I think about the fact that Rinat could have spent his entire childhood in an orphanage and then be tossed out to fend for himself at age 16, it just stirs up such a desire to make sure that no one even has to go through life without knowing that pure unwavering and supportive love of a family. I will spare you the blow by blow of every little detail but let me just say that if our going there made a difference in just one child’s life, I would be happy to do it a million times over. I was so nervous and I wasn’t actually prepared to make a speech but thankfully my sweet husband, as always, was able to step in and say pretty much everything I wish that I could have said if I had not been ready to pass out. It reminded me so much of when we went to court to petition to adopt Rinat but instead of just asking for one child to have a family, we were asking on behalf of all of them- and especially for those 65 caught in limbo in Kyrgyzstan and the 10 in Taraz, Kazakhstan. Although I wish that I could have done more, said more, I can only hope that it will at least help a little. Next time- and I am eager for there to be a next time- I will have to get up my courage to speak and write down some talking points to focus myself but I am hoping that just our presence meant something this time. Here’s hoping…-m