There’s no other way to say it- our little boy is turning into a handful. He is a foot stomping, ‘no!’ yelling, tantrum throwing 2 year old. Don’t get me wrong, he’s also adorable, smart, and responsible, but he is truly testing every limit that there is these days. But that’s what he’s supposed to be doing at this age, right? And boy is he demanding. He loves to yell “GET OFF THE PHONE MAMA!” over and over again anytime I am on it more than 2 minutes and “RIGHT NOW!” in regards to anything he wants. It is sometimes annoying and sometimes actually really funny. And he is getting so independent that it is sometimes shocking. He just watches and mimics anything that I do from checking his email like Mommy on his Thomas the Train computer to attempting to pee like dada (and of course peeing everywhere) to pretending to wrap up his toy trains and proclaiming “Happy Birthday Mama!” as he brings me yet another gift. But the one that I really couldn’t believe was when I was downstairs folding laundry and he was upstairs washing his hands when I heard “UhOh Mama, wawa” then a pause and “NatNat cleaning.” Of course I had to go check out the mess and found that he was indeed on the floor wiping up spilled water. I asked how it happened and he told me he was ‘fixing NatNat’s dinner’. I looked at the counter and he had actually gotten out a plate and washed some blueberries and put them on it, gotten a cup, filled it with water and placed it on the tray, and was in the process of trying to reach the cookies when he knocked over the water that caused the river of water currently flowing from the counter onto the floor. I couldn’t believe he was really making his own dinner. My little boy almost doesn’t even need me anymore! This was also proven when I left him with Peter for the fist time for 4 whole days when I went to visit Carson for the long weekend and he was (of course) totally happy without me. It was wonderful to have a break but I was definitely ready to see his smiling little face again by the time I got home. As a matter of fact, I was so happy that I agreed to take a shower with him (which he loves) and when we were in there he proclaimed “NatNat little bottom, Mama BIG bottom!” Thanks, hon. Way to boost my ego. I hope all you other big-bottomed gals out there are having a good March! -m